Thursday, 25 March 2010 14:55 Rev. Kevin Annett 'In the wake of a growing child abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic church, and last October's historic rally outside the Vatican to remember the victims of church crimes, members of The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD) will return to Europe next week to help convene an international Tribunal into crimes against humanity in which Pope Joseph Ratzinger is personally implicated. Thursday, 25 March 2010 14:49 'As part of the lurching advance towards the kind of society that we thought had been consigned to the darkest days of the 20th century, the Nazi-fication of Britain continues with the news that the police are working with Internet cafe owners to spy on users who visit “extremist websites”. “The intitative is part of the Prevent strand of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy, which aims to stop radicalisation by winning the “battle of ideas”. CafĂ© owners are asked to use their own judgement as to what amounts to extremist material,” reports the Register. Of course, since British police are also training the public that using cash, closing your curtains or enjoying your privacy is a potential hallmark of terrorism, the definition of “extremist material” will undoubtedly include anti-establishment political websites like the one you are reading right now.' Read more: Police Recruit Internet Cafe Owners To Spy On Users Thursday, 25 March 2010 14:40 'Dementia patients will be tracked by GPS devices whenever they leave their homes under a new scheme to rescue them when they get lost, The Times has learnt. The device is to be fitted into the jewellery or clothing of elderly patients, whose movements will be monitored by satellite. They will have access to a panic button if they become confused or distressed, and their families or carers will be able to follow their movements on a secure website.' Read more: Dementia Patients to be Tracked by GPS Satellite Device Thursday, 25 March 2010 14:36 'Silvio Berlusconi launched an astonishing attack on the euro yesterday when he blamed the Europe's single currency for Italy's economic woes in the starkest comments to date, saying it "screwed everybody". The Italian Prime Minister has frequently blamed the euro for pushing up prices and choking off exports. Yesterday the billionaire claimed that his main political foe, the former prime minister Romano Prodi, had brought Italy to the brink of disaster by negotiating bad terms for its entry into the single currency. He told a conference of his Forza Italia party: "Italy is not at a disastrous point, but I can say that Prodi's euro screwed us all," trying to score points against his opponent in the run up to the campaign for next year's general election.'
Thursday, 25 March 2010
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Britannia Radio