Wednesday, 14 April 2010
few weeks — leading to a compelling 2010 to 2018 timeline.
He was proposing that some of the things that happen in history are the same things that are likely to happen in the future.
Where this gets really interesting is in the area of Bible Prophecy and where things are likely to pan out for the next number of years. I felt his material was so interesting that l wouls pass it on.
Subject: Koenig
April 9, 2010
Visit our web site:
William Koenig
Executive Summary
Inside the White House —
Ancient Jewish, Christian and Muslim cycles converging in 2010/2011 …
Almost 4,000 years worth of cycles relating directly to Jerusalem and
indirectly to the entire world … Could there be a political and/or
religious war coming to Jerusalem in 2011? Historical cycles point to
the likelihood … America's Middle East conflicts of 1979, 1990, 2001 and
their 11-year cycle point to a 2012 conflict
* Obama's 'Perfect Storm' is forming on many fronts … Unprecedented: US
bargaining on behalf of Palestinians … Obama to link Palestinian state
with confronting Iran? … Palestinians 'pleased' with Obama … Dr. Gray:
The 2010 Atlantic hurricane season will produce above-average eight
hurricanes with four of them major … When friends are mad at you …
Anthony Cordesman concludes that Israel will have to use low-yield,
earth-penetrating nuclear weapons against Iran
News Briefs —
Obama has 'chip on his shoulder' against Israel … National Security
Strategy being rewritten to appease Islam … White House denies Afghani
claims of US promoting election fraud … White House at odds with Europe
over US-EU investment policy … Physics, New Age and mysticism emerging
as new church doctrine
Connecting the Dots —
White House ends era of nuclear deterrence, puts every American at risk
Executive Summary
President Obama's remarks that he will not defend the United States with
nuclear weapons if attacked by a non-nuclear nation has resonated
throughout the Muslim world, drawing comments from Iran and others.
He also announced that words like "Islamic extremism" and other
references that relate Islam to terrorism will be removed from the
National Security Strategy. Government counterterrorism officials told
FOX News that the rewriting of the nation's security strategy will
"emphasize that the United States does not view Muslim nations through
the lens of terror."
All this is part of an effort to reach out to the Muslim world by this
Administration. The problem with this approach is that Islamists see the
United States through the lens of the Koran, which tells Muslims in
2:191, "Kill the infidels wherever you find them," in 8:12, "I will cast
terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore behead them
and cut off every fingertip of them,"in 9:29, "Fight those who do not
believe in Allah."
These are just a few of the many verses in the Koran that instruct
Muslims to kill non-Muslims. This Islamic outreach by the White House is
questionable at best.
Inside the White House
By Bill Koenig
I will continue to provide very interesting, even amazing, cycle
information from Eric Hadik ( over the next
few weeks — leading to a compelling 2010 to 2018 timeline. We thank Eric
for sharing this with us.
I have also been accumulating information from a variety of sources —
including my own research — to compile an important and revealing
timeline for this year going forward. I will have that available in the
next few weeks. In my 14 years of watching news on a daily basis, I have
never seen so many things aligning that are biblically relevant.
We have earth events, such as one-world political order; one-world
financial order; one-world religious order; false prophets; false
teachings; and the worsening of the Middle East climate in Iran,
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. The alignment of Russia, Iran, Turkey,
former Soviet countries in the Caucasus Mountains, Sudan, Libya and
Syria is happening at a breathtaking pace.
We are also observing an increase in sunspot cycles that will lead to
more intense earthquakes, volcanoes, super storms and hurricanes in the
next few years. That intensity will build from now through the year 2013
when the National Academy of Science said the earth could have a $1
trillion to $2 trillion disaster that would dwarf the damages of
Hurricane Katrina.
Additionally, and most importantly, the pressure on Israel to comply by
the U.S., the EU, the U.N. and Russia has never been more intense.
The Obama Administration is working on a new strategy of pressuring
Israel to stop construction in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria in return
for help with Iran. News this week has Obama considering a plan that
will bring Israel, Jordan, Syria and the Palestinians to the peace table
later in the year (more information below).
We are also observing the rapid increase in anti-Semitism in Europe and
other parts of the world.
Putting this all in perspective, the final-day Scriptures are playing
out right before our eyes, and only a very small part of the church is
even aware of the significance of the times.
The countdown towards 2011 continues (Eric Hadik)
11-year sunspot cycle and direct involvement with Israel, the Jews
and/or Jerusalem
I have often noted the strong correlation between the 11 year Sunspot
Cycle and global events — particularly wars — that have directly
involved Israel, the Jews and/or Jerusalem. (See table below.)
This is not the 365.25-day solar year to which I am referring. Instead,
it is a calculation based on this 11-year Sunspot Cycle that assumes
each earth-based 11-year period is linked to a single, heliocentric
(sun-based) 1–year period.
Each 11-year period on earth is one "heliocentric year."
(Heliocentrism, or heliocentricism, is the astronomical theory that the
Earth and planets revolve around the Sun — and that the Sun is
stationary and at the center of the universe.)
On a near-term basis, the individual revolutions of the 11-year cycle
are monitored closely. On a longer-term basis (just as with the normal,
geocentric years), the geocentric multiples (30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 360,
etc.) are the most important.
660-year period is a critical cycle for the Middle East
So, a 660-year period –- the Grand Cycle of 60 times the 11-year Sunspot
Cycle — is a critical cycle for the Middle East. The table below
provides an overview of this combination of cycles and how it has
impacted the entire history of Israel and the Jewish culture … which is
also a large percentage of the documented history of the Middle East.
Is it just a coincidence that the religious history of the Middle East
(when Judaism, Christianity & Islam are reconsidered) is reaching the
point — is reaching the point in 2010-2011 — at which it represents a
perfect 660-year and 1980 "Cycle Progression"???
Let me explain: A trio of 660-year periods is 1980 years from the call
of Abraham to the time when Jesus entered Jerusalem and was crucified
and resurrected (birth of Christianity).
Many scholars — based on multiple records and factors — pinpoint his
crucifixion to the year of 30 A.D. (due to miscalculations made – when
the Gregorian calendar was created — that placed Jesus' birth at 3 or 4
Another 1,980 years from 30 A.D. brings us to 2010 A.D., creating a
unique symmetry between Judaism and Christianity.
What about Islam?
660 years after Jesus entered Jerusalem and was crucified, the Dome of
the Rock was built on top of the site of the Jewish Temple (from 687-691
A.D.). It was completed in 691 A.D.
Two periods of 660 years later (1320 years) is 2010/2011.
Exactly 660 years after the construction of the Dome of the Rock, Jews
were the target of great persecution — being blamed for the Black Death
Plague that ravaged Europe and killed over 25 million people from
1347–1351. In 1349, 600 Jews were burned at the stake in Basel,
Switzerland, and the community was dissolved. Jews also were burned to
death in France, Spain and Italy as part of a Holocaust from 1347-1351.
660 years later is 2007–2011, reinforcing the period that I have been
discussing for over a decade.
Ancient Jewish, Christian and Muslim cycles converging in 2010/2011 …
Almost 4,000 years' worth of cycles relating directly to Jerusalem and
indirectly to the entire world are converging …
2011 remains the culmination of almost 4,000 years' worth of cycles
related directly to Jerusalem and indirectly linked to the entire world.
If the global economies begin another downturn in the second half of
2010 or early part of 2011, global leaders might need a giant
distraction. War usually fits that bill, and attacking Jews has been a
recurring pastime for thousands of years.
Jewish/Middle East 'Heliocentric Years'
The following add up to the years 2010/2011:
1 x 11 (11 years) from the start of Palestinian intifada in Israel
(September 2000)
2 x 11 (22 years) from the end of the Iran/Iraq War (and the largest
chemical attack in modern times; focus turned back to Israel)
3 x 11 (33 years) from the Camp David Accords in 1978
4 x 11 (44 years) from the Six-Day War in 1967
5 x 11 (55 years) from the 1956 Suez Crisis/War
6 x 11 (66 years) from the end of the Holocaust in 1945
7 x 11 (77 years) from the rise of Hitler in 1933
8 x 11 (88 years) from British Mandate in Palestine — 1922/23
10 x 11 (110 years) from Jewish National Fund to buy and develop land in
60 x 11 (660 years) from the Jewish Holocaust in 1347-1351
120 x 11 (1320 years) from 691 A.D., when the Dome of the Rock was built
on the site of the Jewish Temple
180 x 11 (1980 years) from Jesus' prophecies and crucifixion (which was
about 1980 years from the call of Abram)
240 x 11 (2640 years) from the invasion of Nineveh and rise of
Babylonian, then Medo-Persian, Empire
360 x 11 (3980 years) from the life of Abraham and birth of Israel
Israel, Oslo and the 17-year cycle (Eric Hadik)
I have repeatedly discussed the 17-year cycle and how I believe it will
significantly impact Middle East Peace in 2010 and 2011 (17 years from
the Oslo Accord (signed Aug. 20, 1993), the Oslo War/Second Intifada
(2000 — 11 years to 2011) and the Jerusalem covenant (May 19, 1993).
The same multi-century cycles portend a crescendo in a modern-day:
Battle for the Kingdom of Jerusalem/Fall of Acre (1287-1291 A.D.) to
2007-2011, another Battle for the Kingdom of Jerusalem, is 720 years —
or two cycles/circles of 360 years/degrees.
Ha'aretz reported a few weeks ago that the Israeli-Palestinian peace
process is coming down to Jerusalem.
The current-day battle for Jerusalem is very likely what Zechariah was
speaking of in chapter 12.
America and the 11-year cycle
America has also been governed by this 11-year cycle in recent decades.
In many cases, it has been tailgating the events in the Middle
East/Israel, following them by 6-12 months.
In 1979, the U.S. Embassy hostage-taking in Iran transpired.
Eleven years later –- 1990 — it was the start of Desert Storm in Iraq.
Eleven years later was 2001 –- it was the terror events of Sept. 11 that
led to the second phase of the war with Iraq and a new conflict in
Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Eleven years from that pinpoints 2012 as America's next possible date
with destiny. Is Phase III of a U.S. Middle East War inevitable?
Since this comes right in the middle of Middle East cycles in 2011 and
U.S. dollar and banking cycles in 2013, it seems to be indicating that a
geo-political/terror/war "event" could be seen in 2012 and could have a
powerful impact on America's financial stability.
This also comes during the next phase of the 50/100-year cycle of war —
which includes:
The War of 1812
The Civil War (1861-1865)
WWI (which really began in 1912 with the First Balkan War)
The combination Cuban Missile Crisis/Sino-Indian War/Escalation — all in
What could be coming in 2011/2012?
Obama's 'Perfect Storm' forming
On the home front in the United States, the Obama Administration's
pressure on Israel, its aggressive commitment to the LGBT agenda, and
its position on abortion are converging and will lead to serious
repercussions and consequences beyond what we have seen to date in the
United States.
Unprecedented: U.S. bargaining on behalf of Palestinians (WorldNetDaily)
Instead of acting as intermediary, Obama administration 'assuming all PA
By Aaron Klein
JERUSALEM – In an unprecedented move, the U.S. has been conducting
negotiations with Israel on behalf of the Palestinian Authority,
according to a senior PA negotiator and sources in the Israeli government.
The U.S. has been calling for the resumption of indirect talks, with
Obama Administration officials publicly proposing to serve as
go-betweens to facilitate dialogue between Israel and the PA.
Sources in both the PA and Israeli government told WND talks are
underway on a number of issues, including future borders and security
controls for a Palestinian state.
A senior PA negotiator, speaking on condition of anonymity, said rather
than act as an intermediary, the U.S. has been negotiating with Israel
on behalf of the PA, assuming all Palestinian positions and bargaining
with Israel from the Palestinian side.
The account was confirmed with sources in the Israeli government, which
said such behavior by the U.S. government is unprecedented.
Obama to link Palestinian state with confronting Iran? (Ha'aretz)
Palestinians 'pleased' with Obama (Ynet)
Obama is weighing the possibility of submitting a new U.S. Middle East
peace plan by this fall that would include talks between Israel, Jordan,
the PA and Syria
Yesterday, Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper quoted confidants to Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as stating that the Israeli leader told them
he would oppose attempts to impose a peace plan on Israel.
The comments follow a Washington Post story that Obama is weighing the
possibility of submitting a new U.S. Middle East peace plan by this fall
that would include talks between Israel, Jordan, the PA and Syria. The
plan would reportedly link Israeli-Palestinian peace to efforts to
confront Iran over its nuclear program.
Speaking to Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, two top
administration officials claimed Obama was "seriously considering"
proposing an American peace plan to resolve the Palestinian conflict.
"We want to get the debate away from settlements and East Jerusalem and
take it to a 30,000-feet level that can involve Jordan, Syria and other
countries in the region," one official told Ignatius.
Koenig's perspective: The problems are worsening, and this also fits the
ego of the Obama Administration. Could this lead to the Daniel 9:27
Palestinians 'pleased' with Obama (Ynet)
On Tuesday, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat told reporters the
U.S. has reached a dead end in its attempts to revive Middle East peace
But a senior PA negotiator told WND that Erekat was referring to Israeli
opposition to a Palestinian demand to freeze all Jewish construction in
eastern Jerusalem.
The negotiator said the PA is "pleased" with the position taken by the
Obama Administration on Israeli-Palestinian issues.
Nevertheless, he writes, "for practical reasons, in the absence of
genuine sanctions, Israel will not be able to wait until the end of next
winter, which means it would have to act around the congressional
elections in November, thereby sealing Obama's fate as president."
Sneh says he does not foresee any U.S. military strikes on Iran. In a
recent report for the Centre for Strategic and International Studies
(CSIS), military analyst Anthony Cordesman concluded that Israel will
have to use low-yield, earth-penetrating nuclear weapons if it wants to
take out deeply-buried nuclear sites in Iran.
U.S. forecaster sees increased 2010 hurricane threat (Reuters)
Hurricane Bill is pictured moving in the Altantic Ocean in a satellite
taken August 19, 2009. The 2010 Atlantic hurricane season is likely to
be ''above-average'' and produce eight hurricanes, four of them major,
the Colorado State University hurricane forecasting team said on Wednesday.
Credit: Reuters/NOAA/Handout
The 2010 Atlantic hurricane season will produce an above-average eight
hurricanes, four of them major, posing a heightened threat to the U.S.
coastline, the Colorado State University hurricane forecasting team
predicted on Wednesday.
In its second forecast in four months for the 2010 season, the leading
storm research team founded by hurricane forecast pioneer William Gray
said the six-month season beginning on June 1 would likely see 15 named
tropical storms.
The team forecast a 69 percent chance of at least one major hurricane
making landfall on the U.S. coastline in 2010, compared with a long-term
average probability of 52 percent.
For the Gulf Coast, from the Florida Panhandle west to Brownsville,
Texas, including the Gulf of Mexico oil patch, the probability of a
major hurricane making landfall was seen at 44 percent versus a
long-term average of 30 percent, the Colorado State University team said.
"While patterns may change before the start of the hurricane season, we
believe current conditions warrant concern for an above-average season,"
Gray said in a statement.
Another forecaster,, last month also forecast a
potentially "extreme" hurricane season this year, with "above-normal
threats" to the U.S. coastline.
AccuWeather said five hurricanes, two or three of them major, were
expected to strike the U.S. coast, forming out of an expected 16 to 18
tropical storms, almost all of them in the western Atlantic or Gulf of
Koenig's perspective: There was moderate pressure on Israel to comply in
the land-for-peace process in the year 2009. The 2006 hurricane season
was expected to be a more active hurricane season similar to 2004, but
it didn't happen.
In 2006, President George W. Bush, still reeling from the aftereffects
of Hurricane Katrina, applied zero pressure on Israel and made the
contingencies on the Palestinians to come to the peace table
(acknowledge Israel's right to exist and insisting that the Palestinians
stop terrorism and fulfill all U.N. resolutions pertaining to them) —
all but impossible for them to make.
The 2006 hurricane season was one of the mildest in many years: The
highest winds were 45 mph, and the total damage was $100 million,
compared to the $200 billion from 2005 (thanks to Hurricanes Katrina,
Rita, Wilma and Dennis — all written about in my book Eye to Eye).
When friends are mad at you (by Ephraim Sneh, Ha'aretz)
The current crisis between Israel and the United States is fundamental
and serious. Even if a nominal solution is found, it will be temporary,
until the next one, which won't be far off. These crises are harmful to
our national interests, and a true, enduring solution must be implemented.
To achieve this, there are 10 assumptions that must be taken into account:
Anthony Cordesman concludes that Israel will have to use low-yield,
earth-penetrating nuclear weapons
In a recent report for the Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS), military analyst Anthony Cordesman concluded that Israel
will have to use low-yield, earth-penetrating nuclear weapons if it
wants to take out deeply-buried nuclear sites in Iran.
"Israel is reported to possess a 200 kilogram nuclear warhead containing
6 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium that could be mounted on the sea
launched cruise missiles and producing a Yield of 20 kilo tons,"
Cordesman writes in the CSIS study he co-authored by Abdullah Toukan.
Israel would be most likely to launch these missiles from its
Dolphin-class submarines, he added.
Koenig's perspective: Following is the link to the very detailed and
comprehensive study by Abdullah Toukan and Anthony Cordesman:
Study on a Possible Israeli Strike on Iran’s Nuclear Development Facilities
Abdullah Toukan, Senior Associate Anthony H. Cordesman,
Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy
News Briefs
A U.S. military analyst, Lt. Col. Ralph Peters (ret.), says Obama
apparently has a chip on his shoulder against Israel — and it's not
"helpful to our civilization." … Peters, who wrote Endless War: Middle
Eastern Islam vs. Western Civilization, was asked to explain why he felt
American-Israeli friendship appears to have been derailed so
dramatically. "The answer is two words," he said. "President Obama."
"Obama's treatment of Netanyahu was disgraceful and shameful," Peters
told FOX News. "We treat our enemies with greater courtesy! In addition,
it was counter-productive — because this vendetta on the part of the
White House against Israel — all it does is encourage the Palestinians
and their Arab backers to make ever wilder demands that Israel cannot
possibly fulfill. This is not a peace process; this is something about a
chip on the President's shoulder." (
War on terror
Obama's advisors plan to rewrite the National Security Strategy document
by removing terms such as "Islamic radicalism" and emphasize that the
U.S. does not view Muslim nations through the lens of terrorism …
Counterterrorism officials say the revisions are part of a larger effort
to change not just how the U.S. talks to Muslim nations, but also what
it talks to them about, from health care and science to business
start-ups and education.
That shift away from terrorism has been building for a year, since Obama
went to Cairo and promised a "new beginning" in the U.S. relationship
with the Muslim world. The White House believes the previous
administration based that relationship entirely on fighting terrorism
and winning the war of ideas. (The Associated Press)
Karzai stands by vote fraud claims against West (Reuters)
Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai is standing behind accusations that
the West was responsible for election fraud in Afghanistan, despite
having incurred the White House's anger over the comments … He directly
has blamed Washington for what he has described as "massive fraud" aimed
at weakening him and his government.
Karzai leveled the accusations that the West was behind election fraud
in a speech on Thursday. The White House demanded an explanation, and
the U.S. State Department called the claims "preposterous." White House
spokesman Robert Gibbs said, "The remarks are genuinely troubling. The
substance of the remarks, as have been looked into by many, are
obviously not true." (Reuters)
Financial world order
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has warned Britain, France, Germany and
Spain about possible new European Union rules that he fears could
prevent American hedge funds from selling to European customers … In a
letter to the four finance ministers, Geithner said he understood that a
draft EU law currently under discussion "would discriminate against
third country funds and fund managers by denying them the opportunity to
access the EU single market."
Geithner wants a fund that receives authorization to do business in one
EU country to automatically get the same rights to sell investments
across the 27-nation bloc. This is Geithner's second attempt to sway
European officials. He irked the EU's financial services commissioner
Michel Barnier with a similar letter. Barnier told reporters that he was
"not amenable to pressure" and did not take orders from Washington. (AP)
New Age interpretation of quantum physics
New Age/New Spirituality is heralding quantum physics (an emerging
sub-branch of physics) — contending that it reveals that God is not only
transcendent but is also "in" everyone and everything … Physicist
Fritjof Capra, author of the 1975 best-selling book on quantum physics,
The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern
Physics and Eastern Mysticism, says, "The spirituality corresponding to
the new vision of reality I have been outlining here is likely to be an
ecological, earth-oriented, post-patriarchal spirituality."
This kind of new spirituality is now being developed by many movements
within the church. For example, Annette Capps, daughter of best-selling
author and charismatic pastor Charles Capps, has written a booklet
called "Quantum Faith." She presents a Christian faith compatible with
principles of quantum physics and also with principles of the New
Age/New Spirituality.
She writes: "As I studied the theories of quantum physics, I was
reminded of a prophecy given by my father, author and teacher Charles
Capps, 'Some things which have required faith to believe will no longer
require faith, for it will be proven to be scientific fact'." (Warren
Smith, Lighthouse Trails Research)
Connecting the Dots —
White House ends era of nuclear deterrence, puts every American at risk
By Bill Wilson, KIN Senior Analyst
The man who occupies the Oval Office is slated to announce his new plan
on nuclear weapons. He told The New York Times, "I'm going to preserve
all the tools that are necessary in order to make sure that the American
people are safe and secure." But, in reality, he is telling America's
enemies that the nation is open to receiving a devastating attack
without retaliation.
The Times reports, "For the first time, the United States is explicitly
committing not to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that are
in compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, even if they
attacked the United States with biological or chemical weapons or
launched a crippling cyberattack."
The preamble to the U.S. Constitution says, "We the People of the United
States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure
domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and
our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United
States of America."
By making a public proclamation that the United States does not intend
to use the most powerful weapons known to man to defend the nation
against its enemies, this White House may be inviting America's enemies
to attack her. Is this White House violating the Constitution by putting
the life of every American man, woman and child in jeopardy?
Proverbs 2:11-15 (NKJV) says, "Discretion shall preserve you,
understanding shall keep you: To deliver you from the way of the evil
man, from the man that speaks fraudulent (Strong's interpretation of
froward, also perverse) things; Who leave the paths of uprightness, to
walk in the ways of darkness; Who rejoice to do evil, and delight in the
perversity of the wicked; Whose ways are crooked, and they are perverse
in their paths."
Americans must develop discernment and understanding that within 18
months of taking office, this White House has burdened its people with
tremendous (and, without a miracle, insurmountable) debt, has insulted
our allies, has established dependency on government beyond measure, and
is now putting our lives at great risk.
What will it take for Americans to understand the foundation of evil?
What is needed to snap the citizenry out of its slumber?
Romans 13:12 says, "The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us
therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of
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