ANTISEMITSM INCIDENCESAnti-semitism incidents jump five-fold in Canada
Toronto Star
In a report released Sunday, the University's Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of ContemporaryAntisemitism and Racism said 1129 incidents — many ...Study: Anti-Semitism incidents double
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
By Story provided by UPI JERUSALEM, April 11 (UPI) -- Incidents of anti-Semitism following Israel's 2009 move into Gaza almost doubled compared to the year ...Anti-Semitism In Europe Hit New High In 2009, Says Report
Huffington Post
That anti-Semitism never goes completely out of style I'm going to keep repeating ... "Four percent ofincidents - or 41 instances - were armed assaults ...
Monday, 12 April 2010
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Britannia Radio