New Spirituality; Old Lie, Part 2
Today, many children are diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Labels as these imply imperfection. It’s no wonder that parents readily fork over big bucks when told, to the contrary, that the bluish hue of their child’s aura signals mental superiority, coupled with psychic ability. Not some.......
by Debra Rae
Michele Bachmann And the Death of the Dollar
The problem is that most Republicrud women have quiche for brains. Because they value their lives in social events, they have a horror of accidentally stepping out of line. They worship the Party. If the Party decrees that they work their afterdecks off for a Republicrud jackass, they will do so. They did so for el senador Juan McCrud, the Arizona slug, who reminds me of Dorothy Parker’s famous quip when they told her President Coolidge was dead: “How do they know?”.......
by Alan Stang
Socialism Fills the Manhood Vacuum
Socialism, which emphasizes “the group” (fascism derives from the Italian word for bundle) and marginalizes the individual, is the bedrock of Big Government. Under socialism, winners are vilified, penalized, and forced to fund the losers. This setup demotivates and demoralizes the go-getters — which is why rich people are leaving California and half of Americans pay no federal income tax......
by Marc Rudov
It's Right and Proper to Dislike Traitors
They have stolen the future by invading the nation's homes and schools to preempt parental authority and to seize control of your children. They have indoctrinated the youth of the nation in regard to the instilling of condemnable values and morality, and they have led them to a socialistic purpose and instilled in them a hatred for the virtues of a Capitalistic Republic based upon individual freedom........
by Andrew Wallace