Sunday, 18 April 2010
April 18, 2010
Grants Pass, Oregon Tea Party
An assemblage of the most ordinary people in America. Being a lifetime student of public gatherings, but never having been to a Tea Party, I was curious to see what it was all about. It seems the sun hadn't been out for weeks and rain could be a spoiler, but somebody shut down the rain and the sun came out bright and clear for this event. It was one of those mid-season afternoons – hot in the sun, cool in the shade. People started gathering on the sidewalk in front of the courthouse in the late afternoon. A certain........
by Bernie Conrad
America’s All-out Spiritual Battle, Part 2
For the sake of diversity everything society once thought of as perverted behavior is now seen by many as normal and acceptable. And of course Christians are expected to go along with what everyone else is doing or be ridiculed. However, the Bible, which is the roadmap that shows how followers of Jesus must live their lives, says we are not to embrace the culture’s vile ways. We are called to be Christ-like – which means holy. Not perfect -- no one is perfect. We’re not called to be cool, that’s for sure........
by Marsha Westk
Admiral Promises "Relationships" with Canadian and Mexican Militaries
During his confirmation hearing, Navy Vice Admiral James "Sandy" Winnefeld Jr. told a Senate committee on April 15 that if confirmed to head U.S. Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command, he will work to build and maintain the command's relationships he called critical to the mission. Those relationships include the militaries of Canada and Mexico......
by NWV News
Bring America Back To Her Religious Roots, Part 10
We, today, do not understand just how important our Founding Fathers and most of the people in their day, felt the Bible was to, not just their everyday life, but the manner in which the government was designed and run. In the Virginia colony in 1618 they even made the proclamation that obedience was due to the King as long as the things he commanded were not against the Word of God......
by Pastor Roger Anghis
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