Wednesday, 21 April 2010
April 20, 2010
Judge Declares National Day of Prayer Unconstitutional
Before we cast "aspersions" on Jimmy Carter-appointed social progressive Western District of Wisconsin US District Court Chief Judge Barbara Crabb (who was a research assistant for the American Bar Association with absolutely no judicial experience when she was picked for the federal bench) for her own unconstitutional ruling on the National Day of Prayer, let's double check with the Constitution to see who is right. We don't have to go far, since its covered in the 1st Amendment...and no where else.........
Who’s Taking Our Liberty?
There’s a lot of tough talk going around about how to save our country from dire days ahead – some of it coming from religious Rambos who feel called to shake their fists and firearms in the face of danger – each bellowing their own retaliatory recipe for rescue and recovery while pontificating in patriotic prose and a vulgar verve things that sound more revengeful and rebellious than redemptive. But you know, when I hear fellow.......
Obama’s Wall Street Bill Lets Crooks Escape
The indictment of Goldman Sachs is as deceptive as the “financial reform” bill that President Obama and the liberals are pushing on Capitol Hill, says Zubi Diamond, author of the blockbuster book, Wizards of Wall Street. Diamond is warning legislators not to fall for the Obama Administration’s claim that the legislation somehow punishes Wall Street for bad financial practices. Diamond, who has emerged as a major critic of the.....
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Britannia Radio