Thursday, 22 April 2010

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April 22, 2010

Financial Sense ® Newshour Observations International Economy Energy Markets Precious Metals Raw Materials Storm Watch

Market Observation

Breadth Supports Continuation of Bull Market, Though Risks Remain for a 

Correction in Near Term

April 21, 2010 by Chris Puplava

Stepping back and taking a weight of the evidence approach to analyzing the stock market 

and economy suggests that the economic expansion that began last year continues, and so 

too the cyclical bull market that was given life in March of 2009. The biggest support to this 

opinion comes from looking at both economic and stock market breadth, which shows strong 

participation in the stock market and improving economic statistics in which the economic 

recovery is spreading. Full article

Financial Sense Newshour

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

FSN In Depth: Scott Patterson, Author of The Quants

RealPlayer WinAmp Windows Media MP3

bullet Scott Patterson Author; Staff Reporter The Wall Street Journal 

Topic:  The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered 

Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It

Financial Sense Online Editorials

04/21 Goldman Sachs Charged With Fraud, Part 2 by Elliott Wave Int.
04/21 Canada Sounds the Alarm by Bill Powers
04/21 If Sherlock Holmes Were an Investor (energy exclusive) by Matthew Millar
04/20 A Reply to Eric Townsend by Chris Powell
04/20 Nuts! by James Quinn
04/20 Shale by the Pail: Europe Shakes Its Fist at Russian Hegemony by Marin Katusa
04/19 Debunking the Precious Metals Fearmongering Campaign by Erik Townsend
04/19 Goldman Sachs Fraud Aftermath by Paul Nolte
04/19 Goldman Sachs Charged With Fraud, Part I by Elliott Wave Int.
04/19 Gold Thoughts by Ned Schmidt
04/19 Breaking Down the Major China ETFs by Justice Litle
04/19 Th*nk*ng (Warnings) by Fred Cederholm
04/16 The Tax Window of Opportunity by Vedran Vuk
04/16 Raising The BAR: Bar Patterns & Trading Opportunities by Elliott Wave Int.
04/16 Breakout Fails by Carl Swelin
04/16 Gold – Investment demand poised to jump? by Julian Phillips
04/16 Decapitation by Mishap by J. R. Nyquist
04/15 Sell Now, Buy Later – the ABCs of Short Selling by Jake Weber
04/15 An interview with a long wave master, part 2 by Clif Droke
04/14 Gold in Perspective by David Galland
04/14 Are They Going to Draw or Whistle Dixie? by Ghassan Abdallah, PhD
04/13 Going Nuclear: Obama’s Green Machine Is Ready to Go by Marin Katusa
04/13 Why Economic Forecasts Often Fail by Elliott Wave Int.
04/13 Onward to 12,000 by Paul Nolte
04/12 Agri-Food Thoughts by Ned Schmidt
04/12 Sovereign Debt Disaster Will Favor Hard Assets by Justice Litle
04/12 Th*nk*ng (Taxes) by Fred Cederholm
04/12 Bear in the Backyard? by Scott MacDonald
04/12 This Week: Big Bets Gone Sideways by Peter Navarro, Ph.D.

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Financial Sense University Editorials

04/21 When Will Gold Make its Next Big Move? by Trendsman
04/21 Cash Futures, Physical Forwards, and London Gold's "100-to-1 Leverage" 

by Paul Tustain
04/21 Money supply metrics, the Austrian take by Michael Pollaro
04/20 Dollar, Gold and Silver by Sol Palha
04/20 Are there more Cockroaches in the Kitchen by Hans Wagner
04/19 Britain's Accelerating Trend Towards High Inflation by Nadeem Walayat
04/19 The Strong Hand Theory by Toby Connor
04/19 Gold & Silver: Market Wrap Week Ending April 16 by Doug Gnazzo
04/19 German Windfall Profits From Exiting The Euro by Daniel Amerman
04/19 The Policies of Insolvency by Ty Andros
04/19 This Gold Bullion Index Comes With a Twist by Lorimer Wilson
04/19 Bull Market Struggling to Maintain Momentum by Brewer Futures
04/19 Hold That Train by Warren Bevan
04/19 Precious Metals Slow Motion Lottery Ticket by Captain Hook
04/19 Bond Crash to Drive Gold by Neil Charnock
04/16 A Silver Lining to US Corruption by Jennifer Barry
04/16 Ash cloud blankets Europe, causing air travel chaos by Tony Cherniawski
04/16 Extend & Pretend: Gaming the US Tax Payer by Gordon T Long
04/16 Resource Stock Rally: Will Treasuries Spoil the Party? by David & Eric Coffin
04/16 Investor Sentiment – Is it Providing a Warning? by Sy Harding
04/16 WARNING: 2010 Could Be A Bad Year For Stocks! by Brian Paragamian
04/16 Is The Cartel Failing? What Next? by Deepcaster
04/16 U.S. Allows China To Dominate World Supply Chain of Manganese & Magnesium 

by Ken Reser 
04/16 Anatomy of a Housing Crisis by Sol Palha
04/15 The Fatal Flaw of Democracy is Here and Now by Paul Mladjenovic
04/15 Central Banks Stoking Market Euphoria by Gary Dorsch
04/15 The Government’s Loan Mod Bizarro World by Tim Iacono
04/15 Higher Rates are Foreboding Inflation by Michael Pento
04/15 A Deflationary Impulse Would be a Catalyst for Gold Stocks by Trendsman
04/15 U.S. Dollar – Grave Concerns Remain by Axel Merk
04/14 Europe Fiddles, Gold Sizzles by John Browne
04/14 What’s Next by Paul Lamont
04/14 Ted Butler Interview by James Cook
04/14 Keep Your Eyes on the Golden Prize by Adam Brochert
04/13 Monthly Stock Market Trends – April 2010 by Hans Wagner
04/13 Industry Insider Explains “Green” Fracking Technology by Keith Schaefer 
04/13 Professor Fekete and the Armageddon Signal by Darryl Schoon
04/13 Little Investor Reaction to 11,000 Dow Close by Brewer Futue
04/12 The FCIC: Passing the Buck by Ron Paul
04/12 How to be Disciplined Trading Gold with Cycles Analysis by Chris Vermeulen
04/12 Gold & Silver: Market Wrap Week Ending April 9 by Doug Gnazzo
04/12 From Freedom To Fascism by Captain Hook
04/12 Gold - big picture perspective by Gary Tanashian
04/12 No Housing Bubble in China by John Derrick
04/12 Runaway Train by Warren Bevan

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FSO Staff Picks

Client Only Meeting 7 November 2009
Excerpt 2

Segment 2: 
Business Boom & Bust 
Their Impact on Financial 

In this segment we'll walk through some past "crashes" and see how they're

 the same, or how they're different, from what's going on in today's markets.

Previously: Segment 1 | Archive

PFS Group 
Client Only Meeting 

7 November 2009 Excerpts

Segment 1The Fourth Turning

In this segment we'll discuss how we're at a critical turning 

point in history.

Segment 2Business Boom & Bust Cycles: 

Their Impact on Financial Markets

In this segment we'll walk through some past "crashes" and see 

how they're the same, or how they're different, from what's going 

on in today's markets.


Segment 3: Monetary Theory of Asset Prices

In this segment we'll talk about how increases in money supply 

flow through the markets and create asset bubbles.

Segment 4: Inflation and the Fall of the Roman Empire:

 Lessons for Today

In this segment we'll talk about a culture and a time in history that 

I think is very similar to our own. We think there are some warning 

signs in this example we can learn from.

Segment 5: The Statistical Recovery

In this segment we discuss how the statistics that are being quoted 

as "proof" that our economy is in recovery aren't showing what's really 


Segment 6: The Headwinds of Debt and Credit

In this segment we discuss how the shortage of available credit, and 

the high levels of existing debt, will continue to drag on our economy 

for years to come.

Segment 7: Government Spending: Unsustainable

In this segment we discuss how US government budget plans are going 

to create deficits that will be so big that the only way out will be to 

devalue the dollar.

Segment 8: Inflation, Deflation, & the Role of Money

In this segment we'll show how, all throughout history, increases in 

money supply always lead to inflation.