Market Observation In an eerie sense of déjà vu, German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble pleaded with his country’s citizens on April 20th to back a joint EU-IMF bail out for Greece worth up to €45-billion, warning that failure to act would risk another global financial meltdown. “We cannot allow the bankruptcy of a Euro member state like Greece to turn into a second Lehman Brothers,” he told Der Spiegel. “Greece’s debts are all in Euros, and it isn’t clear who holds how much of those debts. The consequences of a national bankruptcy would be incalculable. Full article Financial Sense Newshour RealPlayer WinAmp Windows Media MP3 Next Global Financial Meltdown Financial Sense Online Editorials 04/28 How Much Is This Recovery Going to Cost? by Justice Litle Elliott Wave Int. Jeffrey M. Christian by Elliott Wave Int. by Julian Phillips by Marin Katusa by Erik Townsend by Elliott Wave Int. Financial Sense University Editorials 04/28 Fascist Boogie Man by Steve Doré by Trendsman by Brewer Futures by Axel Merk & Kieran Osborne by Doug Gnazzo by Mike Endres by Frank Holmes Gordon T Long by Investment Score by Deepcaster by Chris Vermeulen the Financial Crisis by Tim Iacono by John Browne by Christopher Laird London Gold's "100-to-1 Leverage" by Paul Tustain by Nadeem Walayat by Doug Gnazzo by Daniel Amerman by Lorimer Wilson FSO Staff Picks PFS Group In this segment we'll talk about how increases in money supply flow through the markets and create asset bubbles. Previous Segments: 1, 2 | Archive Segment 1: The Fourth Turning In this segment we'll discuss how we're at a critical turning point in history. Segment 2: Business Boom & Bust Cycles: Their Impact on Financial Markets In this segment we'll walk through some past "crashes" and see how they're the same, or how they're different, from what's going on in today's markets. Segment 3: Monetary Theory of Asset Prices In this segment we'll talk about how increases in money supply flow through the markets and create asset bubbles. Forecoming Segment 4: Inflation and the Fall of the Roman Empire: Lessons for Today In this segment we'll talk about a culture and a time in history that I think is very similar to our own. We think there are some warning signs in this example we can learn from. Segment 5: The Statistical Recovery In this segment we discuss how the statistics that are being quoted as "proof" that our economy is in recovery aren't showing what's really happening. Segment 6: The Headwinds of Debt and Credit In this segment we discuss how the shortage of available credit, and the high levels of existing debt, will continue to drag on our economy for years to come. Segment 7: Government Spending: Unsustainable In this segment we discuss how US government budget plans are going to create deficits that will be so big that the only way out will be to devalue the dollar. Segment 8: Inflation, Deflation, & the Role of Money In this segment we'll show how, all throughout history, increases in money supply always lead to inflation. © Financial Sense TV ® All Rights ResCould a Greek Tragedy Morph into a Lehman Meltdown?
April 28, 2010 by Gary Dorsch
FSN In Depth: Robert Wiedemer, Coauthor of
Robert Wiedemer Coauthor Aftershock: Protect Yourself
04/28 Mongolian Dreams by Scott MacDonald
04/27 Shale gas – miracle pill or empty promise? by Puru Saxena
04/26 Chris Powell Replies to Jeffrey M. Christian by Chris Powell
04/26 The Recovery Rally Continues by Paul Nolte
04/26 How to Channel an Impulse Wave on a Price Chart by
04/26 Agri-Food Thoughts by Ned Schmidt
04/26 Th*nk*ng (Justice) by Fred Cederholm
04/26 George Soros and the next financial crisis by Clif Droke
04/23 Erik Townsend responds to Chris Powell by Erik Townsend
04/23 Jeffrey M. Christian Responds to Chris Powell by
04/23 Advance-Decline Lines Strong by Carl Swenlin
04/23 Goldman Sachs Charged With Fraud, Part 3
04/23 Will Gold be bolstered by the Goldman Sachs Fraud case?
04/23 A Short Philosophy of History by J. R. Nyquist
04/23 We’re All Comrades Now by David Galland
04/22 Gold Stocks: Math Today, Magic Tomorrow by Jeff Clark
04/21 Goldman Sachs Charged With Fraud, Part 2 by Elliott Wave Int.
04/21 Canada Sounds the Alarm by Bill Powers
04/21 If Sherlock Holmes Were an Investor by Matthew Millar
04/20 A Reply to Eric Townsend by Chris Powell
04/20 Nuts! by James Quinn
04/20 Shale by the Pail: Europe Shakes Its Fist at Russian Hegemony
04/19 Debunking the Precious Metals Fearmongering Campaign
04/19 Goldman Sachs Fraud Aftermath by Paul Nolte
04/19 Goldman Sachs Charged With Fraud, Part I
04/19 Gold Thoughts by Ned Schmidt
04/19 Breaking Down the Major China ETFs by Justice Litle
04/19 Th*nk*ng (Warnings) by Fred Cederholm
04/19 Long- vs. Short-Term Stock Market P/E Ratios by Bob Bronson
FSO Contributors | Archive for Editorials | Contributor Info
04/28 A “V” Shaped Recovery in Inflation by Michael Pento
04/28 All Aboard the Gold Train as Recognition Move Approaches
04/28 U.S. Stocks Rebounding after Asian Markets Bottom
04/27 Implications of Chinese yuan Appreciation
04/27 S&P 500 Earnings Beating Estimates by Hans Wagner
04/26 Gold & Silver: Market Wrap Week Ending April 23
04/26 Dollars and Deficits by Dr. James Glenn
04/26 Market Psychology by Gary Tanashian
04/26 Bureaucracy Backfire by Captain Hook
04/26 The Epic Economic Battle of Our Time by Paul Mladjenovic
04/26 Dollars and Deficits by Dr. James Glenn
04/26 Uranium Market Overview by Lawrence Roulston
04/26 Let no Incumbent Survive (the next Three Elections)
04/26 Climbing The Wall of Worry by Warren Bevan
04/26 The Six Key Drivers of Emerging Markets
04/26 On the Brink of an Asset Explosion, II by Toby Connor
04/23 Extend & Pretend: Is the US facing a Cash Crunch?
04/23 How the Banks Print Their Money by Adrian Ash
04/23 Why Are US Stocks & The US Dollar Rising?
04/23 Mendacity Antidotes for Profit & Protection
04/23 To Peg or Not to Peg? by Peter Schiff
04/23 And the spin goes on by Tony Cherniawski
04/23 There Needs To Be Consequences by Sy Harding
04/23 Gold and Silver – Big moves ahead! by Peter Degraaf
04/22 Gold, Silver, Oil & SP500 Trading Charts
04/22 Asking a Better Question About Who to Blame for
04/22 Reports of Our Recovery Are Greatly Exaggerated
04/22 The Devaluation of the US Dollar by Jim Willie
04/22 The Next Crisis. And the next…and havens
04/21 When Will Gold Make its Next Big Move? by Trendsman
04/21 Cash Futures, Physical Forwards, and
04/21 Money supply metrics, the Austrian take by Michael Pollaro
04/20 Dollar, Gold and Silver by Sol Palha
04/20 Are there more Cockroaches in the Kitchen by Hans Wagner
04/19 Britain's Accelerating Trend Towards High Inflation
04/19 The Strong Hand Theory by Toby Connor
04/19 Gold & Silver: Market Wrap Week Ending April 16
04/19 German Windfall Profits From Exiting The Euro
04/19 The Policies of Insolvency by Ty Andros
04/19 This Gold Bullion Index Comes With a Twist
04/19 Bull Market Struggling to Maintain Momentum by Brewer Futures
04/19 Hold That Train by Warren Bevan
04/19 Precious Metals Slow Motion Lottery Ticket by Captain Hook
04/19 Bond Crash to Drive Gold by Neil CharnockClient Only Meeting 7 November 2009 Excerpt 3
Segment 3: Monetary Theory of Asset Prices
PFS Group
Client Only Meeting 7 November 2009 Excerpts
Thursday, 29 April 2010
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Britannia Radio