Tuesday, 20 April 2010

The Arab-Israeli war of narratives , Gilbert Achcar openDemocracy -

The Arab-Israeli war of narratives , Gilbert Achcar

* Part One: Zionism, Colonialism, Uprootedness

Zionism, considered as the political movement to create a Judenstaat (‘state of the Jews’) in the title of the famous book by its principal founder, Theodor Herzl, was first and foremost a...

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Chile's President faces a double challenge, David Dudenhoefer

Conservative billionaire Sebastian Piñera was sworn in as Chile’s 38th president while the chandeliers and flower displays in their Congress swayed to aftershocks of the 8.8-magnitude earthquake that had fractured a large swathe of the country...

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Breaking point: why the Kyrgyz lost their patience, Madeleine Reeves

Kyrgyzstan is still reeling from the bloodiest week since independence. On Wednesday, 84 people were killed and hundreds injured when troops opened fire on an opposition rally in front of the government building, or White House, in the capital,...

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Kyrgyzstan: what is to be done?, David Coombes

For the second time in five years, political violence in Kyrgyzstan has deposed an unpopular government, at the price of ruinous disorder, and extensive loss of life. Our first thought is for the dead and wounded, their dependants and dearest, but...

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All that glisters, Peter Johnson

No one should be surprised that – finally – a regulator is taking on an investment bank in relation to the sale of financial derivatives. That the US Stock Exchange Commission has charged Goldman Sachs with fraud, attacking the biggest of the...

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The religious lobby and women’s rights, Rahila Gupta

As the UK election campaign hots up, various voices are bemoaning Christianity’s apparently anorexic state. Pretend social liberals, like David Cameron, are reopening the abortion debate, fudging gay rights and promoting marriage. Anyone...

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'Soft law' and hard choices: a conversation with Gita Sahgal, Deniz Kandiyoti

DK: We find ourselves at a particularly critical juncture with respect to upholding the principles of universal human rights. On the one hand, grievous human rights abuses have been committed in the name of the “war on terror”. On the other, the...

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Are UK broadcasters being googled?, David Graham

Visiting Virgin Media in London recently, I found the guys at reception watching the Indian Premier League on You Tube. You Tube has its own “IPL channel” – with subscription (no fee), a count-down clock to the next game, tabs for News,...

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Thai army deployed as ‘red-shirts’ move towards Bangkok’s business district, Laura Hilger

The Thai army moved hundreds of soldiers into the business district of Bangkok early on Monday to prevent anti-government protesters entering the area. The troops were deployed to Silom Road, where offices for some of the nation's...

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