Bilderberg To Prolong Global Financial Recession For Another Year
The Bilderberg Group will meet this year in Spain and continue to advance their agenda for world economic governance while agreeing to prolong the global financial recession for another year, according to Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker, who has discovered through his routinely accurate inside sources that the conference will take place from June 3-6.
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Invisible Empire Sneak Peek #1 – The Council on Foreign Relations
Alex welcomes back to the show economist and a nationally syndicated columnist Paul Craig Roberts, who recently announced his journalistic retirement in an article entitled “Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It.”
In a call to action, Alex Jones reminds fellow patriots and activists that the films we make are tools to awaken and inform the public who have been kept in the dark about the real mechanisms that control our world.
Major American banks, including Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, temporarily lowered their debt in the past five quarters before reporting it to the public in order to mask risk levels, says a media report.
• Bernanke: We Must Raise Taxes and Cut Services • Sane People: No, We Need to Stop Endless Bail Outs, Imperial Adventures and Fraudulent Schemes
• The Guy Who Stole All Our Money Now Wants to Steal Our Paycheck, Too
Oil could give kiss of death to recovery
This week oil climbed to $87 a barrel, its highest level since October 2008 and prompted concerns that triple-digit crude was once again in the offing.
• Petrol Hits $9 A Gallon In UK
William Murphy, chairman of Gold Anti- Trust Action (GATA), shocked the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) by revealing the name and position of a whistle blower who had warned the CFTC Enforcement Division of market manipulation by JPMorgan Chase in advance of it happening and had witnessed Morgan traders boasting of their exploits.
The Bush Secrecy Legacy
Many Americans assumed that the Bush administration’s peril to their freedom ended when George Bush exited the White House on January 20, 2009. Unfortunately, the precedents the administration established continue to threaten Americans’ rights and liberties. This is stark on government secrecy.