Thursday, 22 April 2010

Mediterranean Union and Sub Ordinated to the European Union.

Search Results

  1. Union for the Mediterranean - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Union for the Mediterranean (French: Union pour la Méditerranée, Italian: Unione per il Mediterraneo, Spanish: Unión para el Mediterráneo, ... - Cached - Similar
  2. BBC NEWS | Europe | Mediterranean union is launched

    13 Jul 2008 ... French President Nicolas Sarkozy launches a Union for the Mediterranean, aimed at ending Mid-East conflict. - Cached - Similar
  3. What Is Really Behind the Mediterranean Union? | The Brussels Journal

    12 Mar 2008 ... Sarkozy originally came up with the idea of a Mediterranean Union during his campaign in 2007 to become president. ... - Cached - Similar
  4. Video results for mediterranean union

    43 Nations Form HistoricMediterranean Union
    1 min 16 sec - 13 Jul 2008
  5. European Union (EU) and The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

    European Commission - external relations: Euromed. - Cached - Similar
  6. AFP: Jordanian takes charge of Mediterranean Union

    4 Mar 2010 ... BARCELONA — The first head of the new Mediterranean Union, Jordan's Ahmad Masa' deh, pledged to "promote growth and security" in the region ...
  7. Sarkozy's proposal for Mediterranean bloc makes waves - The New ...

    10 May 2007 ... "The time has come to build together a Mediterranean Union that will be the bridge between Europe and Africa," Sarkozy said in his victory ... - Cached - Similar
  8. Mediterranean Union

    The French project of the Mediterranean Union (Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean later, and now Union for the Mediterranean) was launched by ... - Cached - Similar
  9. Post-Traumatic » » MEDITERRANEAN UNION

    26 Nov 2009 ... Even bearing in mind Sarkozy's geopolitical ambition and nostalgia for empire – the idea of a Mediterranean Union is a startling one in that ... - Cached
  10. [PDF] 

    Putting the Mediterranean Union in Perspective

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    by R Aliboni - 2008 - Cited by 16 - Related articles
    of the Mediterranean Union proposal and examining the reactions it ... Can the project of a “Mediterranean Union”, as initially proposed by the then ... - Similar
  11. Palestine - Mediterranean Union Misses Making Its Mark ...

    23 Feb 2010 ... An International Meeting in support of Israeli- Palestinian Peace was organized by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean Union and ... - Cached

Apr 06, 2010
... intended to disseminate and establish it throughout the member-states of the European Union. It is known as the Mediterranean Partnership since the Barcelona Declaration of 1995, which included Israel after the Oslo agreements. ...
Aug 05, 2008
Libya's Colonel Gaddafi has repeated his opposition to the French-ledMediterranean Union idea, saying it would separate north Saharan countries from the African Union, during a visit to Tunis on Monday. He said: "I do not agree to ...
Apr 10, 2010
ITALY-FRANCE: TOGETHER TO RE-LAUNCH MED UNION (ANSAmed) - PARIS, APRIL 9 - "France and Italy reaffirm their commitment to the Union for the Mediterranean" and "together with the EU's Spanish presidency they'll do whatever needed for the ...
Oct 23, 2008
She went on to say: "Britain is an island nation, but our instinct is international - we shop at European fashion shops, we eat at pizzerias, we holiday on theMediterranean. So why do people distrust the European Union and feel distant ...