Citizens lose respect for their government and become cynical when the government lies. That when those leaders who lie make sure there is no accountability, the cynicism grows.
The media does not identify the history and bias of a guest, it appears that they may be trying to manipulate their audience.
It demonstrates a lack of respect for that audience and is a prime cause of cynicism.
Such behavior makes a mockery of trust.
It makes cynicism and distrust a self-fulfilling prophesy.
The problems of trust and cynicism would not be rampant in this country if the media fulfilled its obligation in a democracy to expose the lies of government.
The only antidote to these problems is an honest media. (One can never expect the government to be honest.)
When the media obscures the truth, they show the same contempt for democracy that the politicians do.
And then they wring their hands and ask why the people don't trust government.