Sunday, 25 April 2010

China Confidential

Foreign News and Analysis Since April 2005

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cubans Deeply Involved in Venezuelan Military

A former Venezuelan army general says Cuba is deeply involved in Venezuela's military and intelligence services, as reported here.

China Confidential analysts agree. 

They add that Cuba and Venezuela are believed to be cooperating closely in illicit biological weapons research, production, weaponization and stockpiling. 

Cuba has provided dual-use technology to the Chavez regime to support the development of offensive bioweapons, analysts assert.

Islamic Inquisition Intensifying

In parts of the world it is clear that societies are going backwards and not forward and this notably applies to many Islamic societies. Liberals in the West or the fear of political correctness means that you have a media blackout "on reality" and instead every excuse is given. Yet in the early 21st century it is clear that "the stone age mentality" is still alive in many parts of the world.

Indeed, it could be argued that "the stone age mentality" was more progressive than modern day Saudi Arabia, just to give one example. After all, women would have had more freedom in the stone-age period than they would have in modern day Saudi Arabia.

Iraqi TV Station Incites Iraqis to Attack Americans

An Iraqi TV station promotes "resistance." Click here to watch the clip.

Obama's Dream and 'The Illogic of Zero'

Since the Obama administration's astounding assurance to non-nuclear weapons states that they will never be the targets of U.S. nuclear weapons--even if they attack the U.S. with chemical and biological weapons--has been hailed by the Obama-adoring media as a good thing, Bruno Tertrais' excellent essay, "The Illogic of Zero," is truly a must-read, as shown by the following excerpt:

Nuclear weapons have also limited the risk of chemical and biological weapons use: no nuclear-capable country has ever been the victim of such an attack. The history of the Middle East provides a good case study. Egypt used chemical weapons against Yemen between 1962 and 1967, but not against Israel in the 1973 war. Iraq used them against Iran from 1983 to 1988, but did not fire its Scud missiles loaded with chemical and biological weapons against Israel or the U.S.-led coalition in 1991. Could conventional weapons deter such risks as efficiently? The answer is likely to be no.

Click here to read the entire essay in the The Washington Quarterly.

For a China's view of "Global Zero" click here.

And click here for an Israeli view.

China Opens Missile Plant in Iran

China has given Iran formidable anti-ship missile capabilities, as reported here.

Friday, April 23, 2010

An Indonesian Considers Obama's Muslim Identity

Ahead of U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to Indonesia, an Indonesian university lecturer writes: 

Obama was born to a line of Muslim males. Obama’s full name, Barack Hussein Obama, using the name of the grandson of the prophet Muhammad in the middle of his name, proclaims, or at least assumes, he was born Muslim.

Obama’s father was Muslim. Obama’s grandfather was Muslim. Obama’s stepfather was Muslim. Sarah, who Obama calls his grandmother is Muslim. Obama’s stepbrothers and stepsisters are Muslims. Obama’s sister Maya was quoted by The New York Times as saying, “My whole family was Muslim”. For a time, he was educated and lived as a Muslim in Indonesia. He was registered as Muslim when he studied in elementary school. [EDITOR'S NOTE: His Indonesian stepfather also registered him as an Indonesian citizen. The question of Obama's possible dual- or triple-citizenship--i.e. Indonesian and Kenyan--has never been adequately addressed. Dual citizens are Constitutionally ineligible to serve as President of the United States.]

With nearly 7 million American Muslims who enjoy income and education that are higher than the world’s average and more than 1,200 mosques within America’s borders, Obama defends Muslims by saying: “Islam is part of America, holds within her the truth that regardless of race, religion, or station in life, all of us share common aspirations — to live in peace and security; to get education and to work with dignity; to love our families, our communities and our God.” In his inaugural speech in Washington, DC, Obama even said, “… we are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and non-believers.” [EDITOR'S NOTE: 7 million Muslims is a grossly inaccurate estimate, inflated for political purposes, which Obama cited in his historic address to "the Muslim world." Just minutes after he gave the speech, an aide told a television interviewer there were 8 million Muslims in the U.S. In fact, there probably are fewer than 2 million.]

Since Islam can be defined by narrow or broader meanings, although of course he can’t be named Muslim in a narrow meaning, he still can be called Muslim if we use a wider meaning of Islam as the religion of the followers of all prophets recognized in the Koran since Adam.

So it is not totally wrong if Indonesian Muslims greet him, when he visits Indonesia next June, as a Muslim brother. Indonesian Christians also can do the same. What is in his website that he has never been Muslim is correct in the sense that he never voluntarily and officially registered himself, when he was adult, as Muslim. 

Likewise, many Muslims believe that Michael Jackson was Muslim, although he never stated this publicly. In commemorating 40 days of his death, a mosque in my hometown in Tegal held a ritual (tahlilan) to pray for him, attended by Adam Jackson, the Indonesian “cloned version” of Michael Jackson.

Click here to read the whole thing.

In 2008, a battered, bewildered, beat-down American electorate chose an incredibly inexperienced, Muslim-born (according to Islamic law) mystery man over a trusted and proven patriot.

Appeaser-in-Chief Silent as Muslim Extremists Threaten American TV Producers with Death

Where is the outrage?

Click here for more context.