I know I haven’t done much posting this weekend but I have been doing some research on Islam. I actually never intended to go down this road and honestly can’t remember what exactly put me on this path on Friday, but I do know that it led me to this remarkably revealing video set by PJTV on Islamic infiltration within our own government. Yeah, I know it sounds absurd, but that is not even the half of it.
In these two interviews by Bill Whittle of PJTV, conducted in January of this year, you will hear some things that you won’t believe, things that you never thought would happen within our government. He interviews two whistle blowers, both who remain anonymous and have intimate knowledge of the the inner workings of our national security. One is a former analyst in the Department of Defense and the other is a former special agent with the FBI.
You will hear things like the fact that the Muslim brotherhood has been here since the 60’s and have been preparing for Jihad in America by placing groups on every college campus. You will hear that the FBI consults with groups like CAIR, an extremist front group for Hamas, to train their FBI agents on how to deal with the threat of radical Islam. And there’s so much more. Again, I know this sounds absolutely absurd, but just give it a listen. These are credentialed people giving this information to us because they want us to know the truth.
Listen to both videos, because the information they uncover just gets worse and worse to the very end. This is honestly a road that I would love for Glenn Beck to go down, but I fear it is too much for even him. I look forward to your comments:
Watch videos at: http://www.therightscoop.com/the-coming-war-jihad-in-america/