Prof Tim congdon: UKIP | Europe > Western Europe from
Irish voters give decisive 'yes' to EU reform treaty. DUBLIN ? Ireland's recession-hit voters have overwhelmingly approved the European Union's ambitious ...
Wednesday, 24th March 2010
Economist and businessman Professor Tim Congdon, CBE, who lives in Huntley, has been adopted as UKIP's candidate for The Royal Forest of Dean for the upcoming general election.
Formerly an adviser on economic policy to Margaret Thatcher’s Government, Prof Congdon quit the Tory Party in 2007 to join UKIP after accusing David Cameron of landing the party with a "misguided baggage of badly rationalised policies".
As one of the world’s leading monetary analysts and a former member of the Treasury Panel (the so-called ''wise men'') between 1993 and 1997 Prof Congdon is acutely aware of the near terminal damage done to this country by a profligate Labour Government and the three main parties' abject surrender of Westminster’s sovereignty.
"At a time when Britain has been brought to its knees by an inept and corrupt class of professional politicians, voters can hardly be blamed for showing scant enthusiasm for any of the candidates served up by the Lib/Lab/Con Pact," he says.
"Instead of tackling the single defining issue for this country – who governs Britain? – our discredited political leaders are busy staging an end-of-pier beauty parade in the hope that those voters who haven't already slipped anchor in despair will advance, in a kind of trance, towards the polling booths.
"But then it’s hardly surprising that the Lib/Lab/Con Pact prefers not to talk about what really concerns people. After all, the three main parties are unanimous in their subservience to Brussels. This makes it impossible to tackle in this country's best interests issues like health, farming, tax, energy, welfare, transport, defence, crime and immigration. It also means we pay a wincing £45 million a day for the 'privilege' of being governed by the EU.
"Like the Soviet Union before it the European Union is undemocratic, and in time it too will collapse. The sooner we have the courage to break free from this Tower of Babel's corrupt bureaucracy the sooner we can put this country back on its feet as a free and independent trading nation.
"So if ever there was a time to reject a discredited bunch of self-serving political hacks who when they weren't force-feeding us with their culture of entitlement were busy killing-off common sense, at our expense, this surely must be it.
"Think independent," he says, "and we'll make history! And we'll bring about the renaissance this country so sorely needs."