David Laws said…
“There were low expectations for Gordon Brown and he failed to live up to them.”
FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2010
Kevin Maguire’s Alternative Reality
Guido often contrasts the way intelligent hacks treat their readers patronisingly in the tabloids. Compare Fraser Nelson, Britain’s most read political columnist, in the News of the World to Kevin Maguire in the Mirror. Today the difference is startling.
Neither would deny they were partisan, but compare their reports of last night’s debate. Fraser, calling it for Clegg says reasonably:
“He enjoyed the novelty factor. I hope he enjoys it: tonight may very well be the high point of his political career.”
In contrast Kevin Maguire, crassly talking down to his readers and taking them for fools, writes in this morning’s Mirror:
“It was a man against two boys. Gordon Brown finally reminded Britons why he’s respected around the world. Assured, determined, he was the Prime Minister. The other pair were 40-something rookies… It wasn’t a game-changer, but Brown’s back in the game. Clegg too has reason to be cheerful… Cameron lost the most… his aura of invincibility shattered. Brown edged it and, privately, Cameron knows it.”
Brown bombed big-time in prime-time. Does Maguire really think his readers will believe this hagiography rather than the evidence of their own eyes?

The Digest Debate – The Guardian
Breaking News: Guardianistas Don’t Like Tories – Dizzy
Isn’t it Ironic? – ASI Blog
Vote Tory Says Gordon’s Neighbour – Dunfermline Press
Do Resurgent LibDems Help Tories – PoliticalBetting.com
Mysterious Giant Cloud of Debt Hangs Over UK – WSJ
The Repressive Media – Chris Dillow