Saturday, 24 April 2010

The Daily Reckoning
Dear Daily Reckoning Reader, 

"A volcano of blood..." is how I'm imagining it. 

When it blows, you could see your savings get SLAMMED... 

The dollar thrown into a TAILSPIN... 

And, here's what will stun the still-recovering world economy, gas and oil prices doubling or even tripling by sometime early in the coming year.

If I'm right, as many as eight key Islamic countries could be hurtling headlong toward a bloody "new" war - with each other - that's been FOURTEEN CENTURIES in the making.

Luckily, there's still time to prepare. Check out my full report on the situation - including actionable steps you need to take to protect yourself - right here

Until we meet again...

Byron King
Energy Expert for The Daily Reckoning