Stacy Summary: Oops. Drill, baby, drill, dead in water. Four weeks ago, Obama reversed campaign promise and approved offshore drilling, today he is putting all projects on hold. Update: Morgan Stanley pays $14 million to settle accusations of hiding complex oil trades. There is that word ‘complex’ again and yet again (as per the banana republicanization trend) a select group of oligarchs get to ’settle’ claims without having to admit guilt or face any real consequence. Stacy Summary: h/t @NicAbbo77. This is, of course, the exact same policy that happened during the 1930’s when the US government plowed under fields of crops in order to try to prevent deflation in crop prices. Stacy Summary: We are interviewing the author of the first piece, Michael Krieger, for next Thursday’s Keiser Report. Re: the second article, Fraudonomics, it reminds me of what Max has said several times, “without fraud there would be no US economy.” Stacy Summary: In this episode, we look at the scandals of bailout buffets for Too Big to Fail banks; selling complexity to very profitable unsophisticated investors; the IMF is ‘there to help Greece’ . . . in a Dr. Kervorkian kind of way. In the second half of the show, Max interviews economist Max Fraad Wolff about US government debt. Stacy Summary: I really wish the global media would stop referring to the US as ‘free market capitalist;’ as you can see it has nothing of the sort. It is rigged market capitalism with abusive monopolies in most key sectors of the economy from health care to banking to telecommunications, a few giants extract huge profits for really shoddy service. Stacy Summary: Just sent this article by Robert F. Here isinfo on the patent referred to in the article. Thoughts???? . . . passage of the legislation would create an artificial, government-mandated, trillion-dollar carbon trading market that would drive up the price of energy, indirectly making housing more expensive.[Read more →] Stacy Summary: Standard and Poor’s is on all out assault mode against European sovereign debt this week. Floor by floor by floor. It’s just downgraded Spain. No doubt the turmoil following on these downgrades is conveniently distracting from their central role in the CDO frauds that are presently being investigated inside the US . . . Gold soars, euro tumbles on Spain downgrade Stacy Summary: RT’s coverage of what I like to call Goldman Sachs show trial/hearing in Congress. Stay tuned for Max Keiser at 3.10!Drill, Baby, Drill, Dead in the Water as Obama Puts Hold on all New Offshore Projects
April 30th, 2010 by
RespondMore Signs of Great Depression: Unwanted Homes or Unwanted Deflation?
April 30th, 2010 by
RespondLast Dance in the Land of Fraudonomics & Show Trials
April 30th, 2010 by
Respond[KR38] Keiser Report – Markets! Finance! Scandal! – & Max Fraad Wolff
April 29th, 2010 by
RespondBroadband Access in US is Even Worse Than You Think
April 29th, 2010 by
RespondFannie Mae & Cantor Own Patent on Residential Cap & Trade Exchange
April 28th, 2010 by
RespondControlled Demolition! Now S & P Downgrades Spain!
April 28th, 2010 by
RespondGoldman Sachs, Market Makers and Max Keiser
April 28th, 2010 by
Friday, 30 April 2010
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Britannia Radio