Wednesday, 7 April 2010

eu reform treaty

Resource Connection: The European Union: Leadership Changes ...
By Tricia 
Changes introduced by the Lisbon Treaty, the European Union's (EU's) new reform treaty that took effect on December 1, 2009, have a significant impact on EU governance. The EU is an important partner or interlocutor of the United States ...
Resource Connection -
Britannia Radio
By Britannia Radio 
Deutschland Online: EU EULEX is the largest civilian EU mission in the history of its common foreign and ... The innovations of the Reform Treaty include greater rights for the ... ...
Britannia Radio -
How many presidents does it take the to run EU? | Political blog
By admin 
The EU harbored lofty ambitions to give Europe a bigger voice on the world stage in forcing Europe to embrace a reform treaty that gives it a full-fledged president - despite repeated “no votes” in member state referendums. ...
Political blog -
Reform treaty bloc - latest news articles, breaking stories ...
The 27-nation bloc should concentrate on offering prosperity to Europeans, rather than closer political union, and scrap a stalled EU reform treaty that ...
Opinion on the EU-Japan Joint Customs Cooperation. 09 März 2010 ... Data protection under theReform treaty in the intergovernmental conference (IGC) ...
Foreign-policy wisdom and folly | North America > United States ...
Dublin: Irish voters approve EU's reform plans · Irish voters give decisive 'yes ' to EU reform treaty · irish give decisive 'yes' to EU reform on 2nd try ...