Wednesday, 14 April 2010

 eu reform treaty

Who's running the shop in Europe's foreign policy office?
Deutsche Welle
The European Union's Lisbon reform treaty has been in effect for about five months. Two of the biggest changes the treaty brought were the newly created ...
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Morning Brief (14-4) « Global Europe
By Ulrich Speck 
The European Union's Lisbon reform treaty has been in effect for about five months. Two of the biggest changes the treaty brought were the newly created position of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, a post filled by Great ...
Global Europe -
Britannia Radio
By Britannia Radio 
Download Book Lisbon Treaty Ppt Microsoft Word Doc :: Free ... We hosted a 'Big Debate' on Lisbon where Pronsias de Rossa MEP and Declan Ganly Libertas debated the EU Reform Treaty for Chamber Members and Guests. ...
Britannia Radio -
The Reform Treaty and Citizen's Trust in E.U. Supranational ...
By The Therapist 
by Demetrios Theophylactou – In Depth With the entry into force of the Reform Treaty, commonly known as the Treaty of Lisbon, EU institutions.
Cyprus Now -
... 2008 Polish president ratifies EU reform treaty - World Poland's President Lech Kaczynski, left, holds up his country's ratification of the European ...
Neutrality lisbon treaty - latest news articles, breaking stories ...
Irish voters back EU reform treaty. The last 15 months saw a massive turnaround in public opinion following assurances from Brussels on the key concerns of ...
Lech Kaczynski - Polish President Lech Kaczynski and high-ranking ...
Polish president ratifies EU reform treaty ... Poland's president completed his country's ratification of the European Union reform treaty on Saturday _ ...