Dhimmitude, ineptitude, criminal negligence, willful blindness. "TSA tells terrorists where body scanners are, and exempts them," from Creeping Sharia, April 18 (thanks to Choi):
Islam must seem a paradoxical religion to non-Muslims.
The European Union has declared travelling a human right, and is launching a scheme to subsidize vacations with taxpayers' dollars for those too poor to afford their own trips.
YouTube San Francisco Jewish Film Festival - Exposed
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu 5 Iyyar,5770 / Apr 19 2010 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/137106
Modern Israel, only 62 years old Monday night, is a world leader in society, technology medicine and dozens of other fields. National-religious Rabbi Shlomo Aviner says, “Think what we could do if the world were not against us.”