Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Featured Stories

Poll: Obama struggling with Jews, but not on Israel

This question, in the American Jewish Committee's new survey, asked:
This question, in the American Jewish Committee's new survey, asked: "Do you approve or disapprove of the Obama Administration's handling of the Iran nuclear issue?" (AJC)
A new survey shows President Obama struggling with American Jews -- but not on Israel-related matters. Read more »

Kaczynski leaves legacy of Polish-Jewish reconciliation

With the death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, the Jewish community lost a man dedicated to Polish-Jewish reconciliation. Read more »

Editors' Picks

There goes the neighborhood (New York magazine)

In a lengthy feature, New York magazine delves into the crisis dividing Hasidim from hipsters in a Brooklyn neighborhood both groups are fated to share.

Oh, Canada (Tablet)

Why is the benign, conflict-averse Canada home to one of the most virulent and sometimes violent communities of Israel-haters in the world?

On walls and olive trees (Washington Post)

Columnist Richard Cohen has some admiring words for "Budrus," a documentary film about Israel's attempt to construct its West Bank security fence at the expense of some Palestinian olive trees.

Remembering the Holocaust (Ynet)

Communities around the world remembered the Holocaust on Yom Hashoah.

Breaking News

Syria is arming Hezbollah with Scud missiles, a Kuwaiti newspaper reported.
China will join efforts to sanction Iran, U.S. officials said
A Jewish group urged the Italian Bishops' Conference to condemn anti-Semitic comments made by a retired Catholic bishop.
A campaign is being launched in North America to locate the heirs to Israeli assets originally purchased by Jews who died in the Holocaust.
U.S. officials downplayed the significance of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision not to attend this week's nuclear summit.
Israel's prime minister decided not to relocate the site of a new protected emergency room in southern Israel despite the presence of ancient graves.
A Brooklyn rabbi was given the maximum prison sentence for sexually assaulting a male teenager.
A military court in Lebanon charged three men for allegedly collaborating with Israel.
An Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities could result in global catastrophe, Russia's president said.
Israel's Supreme Court has given an Israeli-Arab writer permission to visit Beirut to attend an Arab writers' conference.
Israel's army said it fired on Palestinians planting explosives along the security fence in central Gaza, killing one.
Israeli officials reportedly rejected the idea of a U.S.-conceived peace plan being applied to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.