Tuesday, 27 April 2010
For centuries the peoples of nations throughout the world have aspired to national identity and the freedom to enjoy self political determination. In countless wars and conflicts people have been prepared to lay down their lives for this very principle.
By and large it is a principle upheld by the civilised world. It is a principle that In the last century the British people made great sacrifices in two world wars to maintain.
But now, the British people, whose country was long acknowledged and recognised as the very seat and bedrock of democracy, are being denied that very principle by a political establishment whose sworn obligation and duty it is to maintain it.
The British people have been made subject to an unaccountable foreign political power over which they have no control or influence.
The unity of the once United Kingdom has been corrupted, and the lawful rights, freedoms and liberties of the people suppressed.
Perhaps like me you are not interested in party politics and under the present circumstances perhaps now less so than ever.
Never the less, our party political system, now dominated by dishonest aspirants, is the only means by which the people can express their political aspirations.
With this regard I urge you most sincerely to watch this short video in which the speaker concisely expresses the political dilemma that now confronts us all, but especially those of us who believe in and aspire to nationhood and free political determination.
Click on the link, watch, and pass on to as many of your contacts you can.
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Britannia Radio