Monday, 5 April 2010
Russia is poised to occupy the diplomatic space created in Latin
America by American decline.
Broadly speaking, there are two factors that are currently harming
American interests in Latin America. The first is the burden of
history insofar that several governments view relations with the
United States through the lens of Washington’s pseudo-colonial past.
The second is American decline, or in other words, a new reality in
global politics that casts the United States as one important player
among several others. It follows that Latin American states now enjoy
a greater degree of choice in international economic, political, and
military engagements.
In many ways, Russia is a natural winner here, for its’ capital,
energy reserves, international influence, and military technology
represent an appealing alternative to feeding the politically
unpopular perception of American dominance in the region.
For the full article text, please visit:
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Britannia Radio