Monday, 26 April 2010

Help Pay Down US Public Debt, Donate to the US Treasury

April 26th, 2010 bystacyherbert Respond

Stacy Summary:  If they want online donations, they have to give something in return!  Like a blog or a podcast!  Anyway, take this as a jibber jabber thread . . . as if you needed encouragement . . . ;)    (As an additional read, for those that missed it, here is Ellen Brown’s HFT article on Huffington Post now).

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Greece: Sacrificed on Europe’s Altar, or Destined by Geography?

April 26th, 2010 bystacyherbert Respond

Stacy Summary: Two different takes on the Greek crisis. Your thoughts?

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Hollywood battles Wall Street before Congress

April 25th, 2010 bymaxkeiser Respond

The fight is on as the MPAA and entertainment industry try to stop market manipulation attempts by Wall Street.

During Congressional hearings this past Thursday, supporters of box office future exchanges lied to Congress as they prepare to commit financial arson on Hollywood:

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Sunday Video Club – Alex Jones Interviews Doug Stanhope

April 25th, 2010 bystacyherbert Respond

Stacy Summary: h/t to @SpeirsyGlasgow for this. Stanhope is my favorite part of Newswipe. (These are the first two of the five or six).

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[OTE51] Max Keiser & Karl Denninger on Wall Street Fraud

April 24th, 2010 bystacyherbert Respond

Stacy Summary: On the Edge with Max Keiser. And Karl Denninger. Max and Karl look at the SEC fraud charges against Goldman Sachs; the role of synthetic CDOs, ACA and regulators.

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Max Keiser – Inside Story – Greece’s Financial Bailout

April 24th, 2010 bystacyherbert Respond

Stacy Summary: Here is the entire Inside Story edition in which Max appeared earlier this week. This also includes the introductory film. And, of course, it is much higher resolution with better audio quality than the streamed version. And for those who speak Greek, here is an profile of Max in today’s paper (currently being translated and will post English version when available.)

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Max Keiser on Athens International Radio – 23 April 2010 – Greece & the IMF

April 23rd, 2010 bystacyherbert Respond

Stacy Summary:  Max interviewed by Helen Skopis on Athens International Radio about Greece turning to the IMF.

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Max Keiser in the News: Computerized Front Running and America’s Disneyland Economy

April 23rd, 2010 bystacyherbert Respond

Stacy Summary: Two items out this morning. The first one by Ellen Brown is a fantastic piece that looks into high frequency trading and market making in regards to developments on Max’s patent, the virtual specialist technology. The second article is something posted on ZeroHedge and you will immediately notice in the headline that they use something that Max has said over and over for the past six or seven years. The piece is based on an email exchange between ZH and Mike Krieger, who wrote to Max this morning to thank him for the ‘inspiration’ on the phrase, neo-feudal gulag casino economy and to say he didn’t realize that this would be published (and thus the non-attribution).

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