Wednesday 14 April 2010

Hi Robert text version of next week's talk as requested a few minutes ago:

What’s Really Going On?
an Awareness Project
Inquiring Minds
21st April

A Presentation by Malcolm Treacher
The Money Game
Monopoly, Ponerology
& Psychology
“The Legalized Crime of Banking”
(and a Constitutional Remedy Silas Walter Adams)

is it even possible to vote for Money Reform?

Meet the Speaker,  Discuss the Issues, 
Ask the Questions,  Have Your Say!

Malcolm has been researching the debt based money system and related issues (everything)
 since 2002 and will use an holistic dot joining approach linking amongst others the BBC,
 an eighty two year old book (that isn’t) found in Oxfam, the CIA, a Canadian law professor, 
WW1, The Bank of England, Serco, Freud, Fraudulent (Fractional) Reserve Banking, 
a human sub group, an Alsation in Colonial Africa, the board game Monopoly and a Dutch prince.     

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