Monday, 26 April 2010
Hillary Clinton and Communist China: Part 1
"If it Walks Like a Duck"
Many of us have looked at the influence of the CIA and Western Intelligence on the Anti-war movement. Fewer at the influence the Communist Chinese had on the Western "anti-war movement". It is my contention that the "hippies" were probably a creation of Western Intelligence to discredit the protestors, but the real organizers, which included Hillary and Bill Clinton, were funded by the Communist Chinese and former Soviet Union, through American Communist organizations.
"During the summer of 1971, Mrs. Clinton writes in her book, she was a law clerk at the Oakland firm of Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein. “I spent most of my time working for Mal Burnstein researching, writing legal motions and briefs for a child custody case,” she said. In fact, however, the public record shows that Clinton worked for Robert Treuhaft, a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and Harvard-trained lawyer for the party.
Citing public sources, Peter Flaherty’s book, The First Lady (Vital Issues Press, 1996), says that “Hillary was recommended to Treuhaft by some of her professors at Yale. She was looking for a ‘movement’ law firm to work at for the summer. As it turns out, Hillary would continue her association and support of the Black Panther cause while working as a law clerk for Treuhaft.” Flaherty notes that Treuhaft told Herb Caen of the San Francisco Examiner, “That was the time we were representing the Black Panthers, and she worked on that case." (source)
Mrs. Clinton’s involvement with Treuhaft is no secret, although Hillary clearly doesn’t want to talk about it. A New York Times obituary of Treuhaft, who died in 2001, said that he had “accepted a young Yale lawyer named Hillary Rodham (now Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton) as an intern.” A British newspaper, the London Times, said that “generations of liberal lawyers were groomed under his [Treuhaft’s] tutelage, including a young Yale law student named Hillary Rodham.” (Ibid)
It would be more fitting to state that Robert Truehoft was a leader of the American Communist Party:
"He supported the Free Speech Movement, the Black Panther Party and the draft-resisting Oakland Seven during the Vietnam War.." (source)
The war in Vietnam was a proxy war that was fought between the West and Communist China-Russia. To destabilize the West, I believe that the American Communist Party helped organize the civil unrest that became the inner-city riots. I also believe that The Black Panthers were also a creation of American Communism.
"Founded in Oakland, California, by Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton on October 15, 1966, the organization initially set forth a doctrine calling primarily for the protection of African American neighborhoods from police brutality. But the Black Panther Party's objectives and philosophy expanded and evolved rapidly during the party's existence. The organization's leaders passionately espoused socialist and communist (largely Maoist) doctrines...
Maoism is Chinese Communist Ideology. The Black Panther movement was a Chinese Communist Revolutionary movement that targeted the lower classes in our inner-cities. They used Mao's Little Red Book as their Bible. This makes Hillary Clinton's involvement in their legal defense even more eye-opening.
It is also worth noting that the FBI took the threat of Black Panther-Maoist agitators in the inner cities very seriously:
"Federal Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar Hoover called the party “the greatest threat to the internal security of the country,” and he supervised an extensive program of counter-organizing that included surveillance, eavesdropping, infiltration, police harassment, perjury, and a laundry list of other tactics designed to incriminate party members and drain the organization of resources and manpower.” Through these tactics, it was thought that their potential for further advancement would diminish and probability of continuing to serve as a threat to the general power structure of the US, or maintain a presence as a strong undercurrent would shrink.” While party membership started to decline during Huey Newton's 1968 manslaughter trial, the Black Panther Party collapsed altogether in the early 1970s. Writers such as former Communist Party USA member Angela Davis and writer and political activist Ward Churchill have alleged that law enforcement officials went to great lengths to discredit and destroy the organization, including assassination."
Hillary has tried to obfuscate her involvement with these organizations, but, the truth eventually surfaces for all .
"Former sixties radical David Horowitz says that both Hillary Rodham and Bill Lann Lee, who later became President Clinton’s head of the U.S. Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, helped organize the pro-Panther demonstrations at Yale." (source)
Other sources state that Hillary was the leading Communist on the Yale campus.
"What is not in dispute is that she served on the Board of Editors of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action, a “progressive” alternative to the school’s traditional review, and that its fall 1970 issue was devoted to the trial and glorifying the Panthers." (Ibid)
In her book, Hillary admits some involvement with the radical left:
She notes a meeting in 1969 with David Mixner of the Vietnam Moratorium Committee, an anti-Vietnam war protest group that came under investigation by the House Internal Security Subcommittee for its involvement with communists and backing from Hanoi. Mixner would go on to become a leading homosexual activist, adviser to and friend of President Clinton. He was credited with delivering some six million votes to Clinton in 1992. (source)
But not nearly enough. It is my belief that while Bill Clinton was cementing his ties with Russian Communism, Hillary was focused on forging an alliance with the Communists in China. As future articles will demonstrate, this is a relationship that has proven very lucrative and valuable for her and America's enemies. Much to the detriment of our once great country.
It is with great irony that we find Hillary Clinton firmly in control of our State Department as the Secretary of State, a position formerly held by another Illuminati favorite, Henry Kissinger. It appears that American foreign policy is firmly in control of foreigners in America.
Yet, we don't expect an investigation any time soon by either Republicans or Democrats. McCarthy was ridiculed for claiming that the State Department was infiltrated by Communists. Now, it is completely owned and operated by them. (Listen to Paul Drockton Radio: Here)
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Britannia Radio