Friday, 02 April 2010 11:24
'Americans can begin to stock their home medicine chest with items that will avert or forestall a visit to the doctor. Many of the most common reasons to visit a doctor, stomach pains, chest pains, fever, cough, headaches, sore throats, infections, toothaches, back aches, can be handled with low-cost remedies at home. Here are some proven home remedies.'
Read more: How To Prepare For Obamacare: Create Your Own Natural Medicine Chest
Friday, 02 April 2010 11:19
'According to the government, James Earl Ray shot Dr. Martin Luther King from that window. There is, needless to say, no physical evidence to prove this charge. James Earl Ray spent his life in prison based solely on a coerced confession which he immediately retracted. None of the ballistics tests, which were performed on the rifle James Earl Ray allegedly used, were able to link that rifle to the actual bullet that killed Dr. Martin Luther King. Dr. King's family does not think James Earl Ray was the killer, and recently won a civil court case proving there was a conspiracy.
Now, thanks to writer Ted Wilburn, in a story which follows, new evidence has surfaced to prove that the government and the media have been lying to the public about the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King.'
Read more: Martin Luther King: The Fatal Shot Came From a Different Direction
Friday, 02 April 2010 11:12
'High-street herbal remedies, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture are to be more tightly regulated. Andy Burnham, the Health Secretary, said he was “minded to legislate” so that all providers of unlicensed medicines had to register with a regulator.
The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council will ensure that practitioners are properly trained and operating a safe business. A pilot study is also planned to analyse how acupuncture could be used within the NHS to help conditions such as lower back pain. Critics say that the proposals, due to be implemented later this year, do not go far enough.
It is estimated that Britons spend about £1.6 billion a year on alternative and complementary remedies, with one in five people having tried the medicines or therapies. The CNHC, the only regulatory body for complementary healthcare that has official government backing, currently issues “charter marks” to registered practitioners of 11 therapies, including massage, aromatherapy and yoga.'
Read more: Andy Burnham Plans to Regulate Chinese Medicine and Herbal Remedies
Friday, 02 April 2010 10:33
Friday, 02 April 2010 10:27
'Police were sent to her apartment to conduct a “welfare check.” For some reason, the woman didn’t want to be “helped” by the friendly state functionaries with guns.
Oh, but we insist, replied the “Blue Angels,” as they summoned their khaki-clad comrades from the Tactical Squad. Eventually, because of “threats” she supposedly made against the stormtroopers, the police (in the words of a local TV reporter) “were forced to shoot her".'
Friday, 02 April 2010 10:21
'Today, the high-level advisory group on climate change financing will meet for the first time in London. The group will be chaired by Gordon Brown and his Ethiopian counterpart Meles Zenawi, and will include many finance ministers as well as independent financial experts like Lord Nicholas Stern and George Soros.
This gathering of financial "wizards" has been asked identify new ways to raise the money needed to protect all of us from the risks of dangerous climate change. Conservative estimates put this requirement at around $150bn (£100bn) a year by 2020. The figure seems high, but represents just a fraction of the world's annual spending on military budgets, which today tops $1.2tn. It is no longer far-fetched to suggest that reducing climate risk is every bit as necessary as more conventional methods of protecting national interests.'
Friday, 02 April 2010 09:55
'Congress and the White House are working out their scheme for pushing through a healthcare ‘reform’ bill that has more pages than the U.S. Constitution has words. I guarantee you that not a single member of the House or Senate has a complete understanding of that legislation any more than they understood all the implications of the USA PATRIOT Act back in 2001,” Governor Otter said. “What the Idaho Health Freedom Act says is that the citizens of our state won’t be subject to another federal mandate or turn over another part of their life to government control".'
Read more: Idaho Governor Signs Health Care Freedom Act into Law