Administration Official Confirms Obama Linking Creation of Palestinian State and Iran Nuclear Issue

Click here for the troubling news.
China Confidential warned this was coming last May, as follows:
The Obama administration is all wrong about the Middle East.
The road to Middle East peace does not run through the disputed West Bank; the road runs through Tehran.
Removing Iran's Islamist regime, which is developing nuclear weapons, threatening Israel with destruction, and arming its implacable, Islamist enemies, Hamas and Hezbollah, and only important secular foe, Syria, would change everything ... overnight. Radical Islam would suffer its first major loss since the overthrow of Iran's Shah more than 30 years ago. Hamas would lose out to secular, Palestinian nationalists fed up with pan-Islamic insanity and religious extremism. Hezbollah would collapse. Syria would come to the bargaining table--and move to crush its domestic Islamist menace.
But the Obama administration does not see things that way. The President and his advisers are obsessed with forcing Israel to go along with the creation of an Iranian-backed, Hamas-ruled state in the disputed lands west of the Jordan River, the strategic territories of Judea and Samaria, which the world insists on calling "the West Bank."
The administration is making the same mistake with Iran that Britain and France made with Nazi Germany. Instead of standing up to Hitler to prevent war when it was still possible to do so, the European powers sought to appease him by sacrificing Czechoslovakia, starting with the strategic Sudetenland. The "peace for our time" that the appeasers bought made World War II inevitable within months of the sacrifice--on Germany's terms.The Obama administration and its European allies seem bent on repeating this horrible history.
But Israel is not Czechoslovakia. Neither is Israel a Jewish neighborhood or ghetto that will allow itself to set up for slaughter. Israel is the Jewish State, the only Jewish State, with a people's army and a populace that will do whatever is required--use any and all necessary means--to prevent a second Holocaust.
Last month, China Confidential reported:
As if to confirm a China Confidential analytical report on the same subject--click here to read it--the American Spectator has a first-rate, insider story on the Obama-Netanyahu meeting. East Jerusalem is a sideshow; President Obama has linked the Iranian and Palestinian issues in exactly the wrong way. George H. Whittman reports:The real story is that the Obama Administration is proceeding on the basis that evolving a Palestine/Israel accord will be an important element in negotiations with Iran to cease nuclear weapon development.
This fantastical idea has evolved out of the strong White House belief that Iran can be cajoled into an agreement on nuclear weapon development if only the Palestine "problem" was solved. Any action appearing to inhibit the current campaign to bring Israel and Palestine closer is perceived by President Barack Obama as contrary to his plan to prevent Iran from "going nuclear." Contrary to the oft-stated theme of keeping the military option on the table, the Obama Administration is committed to avoiding a preemptive strike on Iranian nuclear development targets.
Go here to read Whittman's article.
On Saturday, Confidential Reporter observed: "U.S. President Barack Obama is right to link the Iranian and Israeli-Palestinian/Arab problems. But he has drawn the wrong conclusions. Iran must be dealt with--militarily--ahead of and in order to make possible an Israeli-Palestinian/Arab peace pact, not after or parallel to an all-out push for an agreement.
"In other words, the road to peace in the Middle East does not run through Jerusalem, Israel's capital city--and the capital of the Jewish people for millennia. The road to Middle East peace runs through the fountainhead of fascistic political Islam--Tehran. But the road is blocked. Remove the blockage--the monstrous Iranian regime and its menacing nuclear program--and Israel's most radical and dangerous foes are suddenly exposed and vulnerable. They either collapse without Iranian backing or come to their senses and change their policies."
Syria Says US, Israel Behind Moscow Bombings
A Syrian government newspaper says the United States and Israel were behind the Moscow subway bombings. Click here to read the perfidious propaganda.
Charles Krauthammer on Iran ICBM Threat

It looks like we're back to an estimate of 2015, which is roughly what the Bush administration had said, that Iran would go intercontinental by 2012 to 2015.
What's remarkable is that 11 months ago the Obama administration issued a National Intelligence Estimate in which all of a sudden it revised the assessment and said the old one in the Bush administration was too alarmist. This is not going to happen until the second half of the decade, 2015 to 2020.
And it was that rationale of the administration then used, the president then used when he unilaterally and abruptly canceled the agreement we had with the Poles and the Czechs to build a missile defense system that would precisely be designed to shoot down an intercontinental rocket from Iran headed over to the United States.
So that rationale now collapses. It looks as if the Iranians are on a faster track. And the rocket test you showed, the one in February where Iran put up a rocket and satellite in space that had a mouse on it. You remember at the time, I pointed out that Iran is not exactly the leader in rodent research. It was showing its reach in being able to hit any country on earth.
That was a two-stage rocket, intercontinental. You need a three stage if you want to hit the United States. But that is coming, and we know it's coming. Why the administration would cancel a system in Europe that would help us, why it's reducing the number of ground space launches in Alaska that would shoot down a Korean rocket, and why it canceled the airborne laze, the single most prominent technology for shooting a rocket on its way up, which is much better than shooting it on the way down where it can deploy chaff and a lot of multiple warheads, is incomprehensible to me.
Read the whole thing here.
23rd Bond Film Delayed Indefinitely

Bond--James Bond--suspended indefinitely.
Producers of the spectacularly successful James Bond film franchise say work on the 23rd installment in the series has been halted, citing MGM money woes.
Read all about it here and here
In Focus: North Korea's Spy Center
North Korea's Reconnaissance Bureau, the new integrated agency in charge of spy operations against the South, has become the focus of attention after speculation that it had a hand in sinking the Navy corvette Cheonan and the arrest of two agents in a plot to assassinate a senior defector.
Click here to continue.
More Dutch Spies Deployed Abroad

Responding to a growing foreign threat--by Islamist terrorists--the respected Dutch secret service, the AIVD, is adopting a new strategy of "forward defense." Read about ithere.
Dutch politicians are insufficiently aware of "foreign espionage risks," according to the AIVD. An excerpt from its 2009 annual report:
The Chinese government is still covertly active in the Netherlands. Important targets are the technical-scientific sector, the defence industry and Chinese minorities. Thus, the Chinese government has tried by means of putting pressure on government sectors and the cultural sector to influence decision-making to the disadvantage of Chinese minorities. This has happened among other occasions during the runup to the Dalai Lamas's visit to the Netherlands.
The activities of Iranian intelligence services in the Netherlands are aimed at combating groups and individuals that are regarded by the Iranian regime as a danger to its existence. Additionally, the Iranian intelligence services have the brief of gathering political, economic and scientific information both from Dutch government authorities and companies and in international institutions based in the Netherlands. Iranians living in the Netherlands are put under pressure to spy for the Iranian intelligence services.
Click here for more coverage of the AIVD annual report.
Is Iran Horrifying the West into Submission?

Spengler (David P. Goldman) observes:
In effect, Iran has succeeded in horrifying the West into submission to its nuclear ambitions as well as its bid for regional hegemony. An attack on Iran's nuclear capabilities, Tehran has persuaded the West, would throw Central Asia into chaos. Pro-Iranian elements would precipitate a civil war in Iraq; Hezbollah in Lebanon would initiate a war on Israel's northern border; the Shi'ite fifth of Pakistan would make the second-largest Muslim state ungovernable; American's 200,000 soldiers in adjacent countries would suffer suicide attacks; and the hydra heads of Iranian-sponsored terrorists would strike at civilian targets through the West.
Continue here.
James Zumwalt: Obama Ignores Islamic Extremism
In June 1876, U.S. Army General George Armstrong Custer was defeated by Cheyenne Indians at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. In what became known as “Custer’s Last Stand,” defeat was attributed primarily to a false assumption. Custer expected to encounter an enemy force of approximately equal size; instead, he faced a force at least three times the strength of his. That false assumption cost the charismatic general his life—as well as the lives of 267 men trusting in his leadership. Had Custer been better informed—and the threat better understood—disaster may well have been averted.
One hundred thirty-four years later, a false assumption and lack of understanding by President Obama for a threat of a new era could well spell similar disaster—this time for an entire nation.
Continue here.
Read more articles by Zumwalt here. Still more articles by and information about Zumwalt over here.
Iran Increasing Military Presence in Venezuela

Again, China Confidential reporting is confirmed by a mainstream news organization: Iran is copying Nazi Germany's South American strategy, strengthening an offensive military capability in Venezuela (on top of cells trained in terrorism, sabotage, and espionage).
Read Bill Gertz's report on the IRGC-QF here. He is one of the best investigative reporters in the business.