Christ is Risen!
In John's Boralogue
The first 21 minutes don't miss it!
Re-cap on the oncoming Train wreck-2010-2014.
US SALES OF T.Bs this week
Obama's Private Army
Currency Controls Death of the Dollar
Does anyone remember the end-of-the-world pandemic that H1N1 was supposed to cause? Where did it go? Dr. Stan Monteith ( returns to the program for an examination of the swine flu time line with its sky-is-falling rhetoric by health officials.
Then John does a commentary on the Westboro Baptist Church's anti- gay rhetoric and the Michigan militia arrests -- how this does or doesn't relate to the tea party movement and hate speech.
Have trouble debating theological issues with your atheist friends? Dr. William Lane Craig ( has a solution: His book /On Guard/ is a manual for effectively engaging in such discussions.
John's extended boralogue divulges three "sneaky-snucky" things that went down over the last week or so with a commentary as to why these are real indicators of where the country is headed.