Thursday, 15 April 2010

Last Updated: Thursday, April 15, 2010 19:43 Banksters Rally Round Fed To Keep Bailout Trillions Secret The largest commercial banks in the U.S. are ready to go all the way to the Supreme Court to block the public release of details pertaining to the Federal Reserve’s 2008 secretive $2 trillion bailout.

Ron Paul Grills Bernanke On The Massive Expansion To The IMF’s New Arrangement To Borrow Will this all come out of the printing press once again, as we are expected to bail out the world? Are you in favor of this increase in the IMF funding and our additional commitment to $105 billion?” Bernanke, of course, washes his hands of any imminent dollar devaluation – it is all someone else’s responsibility to bail out life, the universe and everything else. • Rising jobless claims add worries about recovery

The Federal Reserve Created This Financial Mess And Now They Expect Us To Pay Higher Taxes And Have A Lower Standard Of Living So We Can Pay Interest To Them When you watch the mainstream news, how often do you hear them identify the Federal Reserve as the ultimate source of all of our financial problems? Never? Well, there is a good reason.   Regulators and Industry Insiders KNEW We Were in a Housing Bubble Trillions Pumped In And Little to Show For It  Networks Fail to Report on VAT Tax Since Volcker Call for Tax Increases

March Foreclosures Surge To Absolute Record, At 369,491, 19% Jump from February RealtyTrac reports the next catalyst that will surely take the Dow to 12,000 by 9:31 am tomorrow.

Morgan Stanley: A Eurozone Collapse Is Now Far More Likely, Here Are The Canaries To Watch Out For The latest Global Monetary Analyst raises the notion of stronger Eurozone nations ditching the euro in order to form a stronger, smaller currency union.

$4.00 A Gallon Gasoline By The End Of 2010? How In The World Are Average Americans Going To Make Ends Meet If This Keeps Up? Gas prices are on the rise again. In many areas of the U.S. gas prices are already hovering around $3.00 a gallon.

Hating the Government Finally Goes Mainstream It turns out that watching Goldman Sachs, the United Auto Workers, public employee unions and a raft of other vampires drain the treasury at America’s weakest moment in a generation will make a person pretty hacked off.

Obama’s Endgame In Sight The international media has recently gone into propaganda overdrive with the latest preconditioning for a nuclear attack against American civilization. The Daily Telegraph, The Voice Of America and USA Today are among the mouthpieces for Obama’s warning of nuclear weapons going off in American soil. • Feingold bill seeks end to ‘counterproductive’ war in Afghanistan

Powerful New Documentary Invisible Empire Arrives Today The anticipation can finally be realized as today sees the launch of Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined, the powerful new documentary which will put the final nail in the coffin of any doubts that a dictatorial elite is openly setting up an authoritarian system of world government designed to concentrate power and crush the freedom and living standards of the middle class.