Monday, 5 April 2010

Latest Research
The Bruges Group spearheads the intellectual battle against the notion of "ever–closer Union" in Europe and, above all, against British involvement in a single European state.
A Lesson in Democracy
Latest Bruges Group Publication
Bruges Group DVD offer
The Future of the EU... Can it Survive?
Comparing the EU and the US response to climate alarmism
The latest Bruges Group research by Jeremy Nieboer reviews the present state of scientific opinion on the existence of any abnormal rise in temperature of the planet and the part, if any, that man made emissions of CO2 can with confidence be said to have contributed to it. The four successive reports of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the UK’s own Stern Review suggest that climate change may well cause serious loss of global GDP by the end of this century with catastrophic tipping points likely to occur in 10 to 15 years time. However, examination of the evidence for these alarming conclusions indicates that they are riven with deep uncertainties. Not only is the body of scientific data as to the existence of global warming at best equivocal but there is also now clear and disturbing evidence of distortions and suppression of evidence by leading proponents of the case for global warming.
A Lesson in Democracy also examines how the EU has taken upon itself the role of championing the ‘Fight against Climate Change’, recognising that public alarm at the perceived perils mankind is facing could be turned to account in extending its powers and standing. In doing so it has ignored the serious doubts cast over the IPCC and Stern reports and has set targets for cuts in CO2 emissions and for ‘renewable’ energy supply such that irreparable damage would be done to its subject economies were they to be fully implemented.
The paper traces the progress of the EU’s policy making in line with each of these reports and demonstrates that no process of democratic oversight or investigation has preceded its decisions. It has simply relied without question on the flawed IPCC reports and the Stern Review. It has not initiated any independent research into or analysis of the scientific basis of the case for global warming or the proportionate response that should be made. The paper contrasts this with the rigorous process of enquiry and research set on foot over 20 years by successive US Congressional Committees into every aspect of the subject and concludes that it is only to a robust and effective democracy that such decisions can safely be committed.
This is the enduring lesson of the global warming alarm.
Click here to read the full publication online
To purchase a published copy of this paper visit:
Alternatively, please call Robert Oulds on 020 7287 4414, or reply to this e-mail
Members of the Bruges Group shall receive this booklet for free
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The DVD of the November 2009 Conference
Purchase your DVD of the Bruges Group’s 2009 Conference, held in the Great Hall of King’s College London.
The Future of the EU... Can it Survive?
For details of the speakers, and to listen and read the speeches online:
Click here
To purchase the DVD visit:
Or call Robert Oulds on 020 7287 4414, or reply to this e-mail
Alternatively, click here for a form to purchase your DVD
For further information contact:
Robert Oulds
The Bruges Group
227 Linen Hall, 162-168 Regent Street, London W1B 5TB
Tel: +44(0) 20 7287 4414
Mobile: 07740 029787
E-mail: info@brugesgroup.com
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Britannia Radio