Leave Princess Nick Alone!
>> THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2010
Richard Black continues to churn out BBC groupthink about the need to cut CO2 emissions as if Climategate has not happened and the IPCC AR4 report is still the gold standard of reliability. What's fresh about his wearying latest tirade is that he's found a new group of climate change fanatics to support his assertion that whatever we are doing, it's not enough; nothing less than the end of industry is required. This one's called Sandbag (what a nice, twee, right-on lefty name - I wonder which brand focus group thought that one up?); the cast of eco-agitators - not one of them a sceintist as far as I can see, but hey, what does that matter? - includes one from the BBC's own in house climate change agency, our old friends Futerra - to whom the BBC sends its staff for indoctrination. How cosy.
Open thread
>> WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 2010
The previous open thread has been replaced by this one which will take place in my back garden.
On Mark Easton
Beeb Bias Craig.
David Preiser and John Horne Tooke in the comments. (Update - sorry, direct links to comments still don't seem to work. Click on page 4.)
Small Victory
Green Party activist Marcus Brigstocke seems a bit put out that the BBC has told him his privileged licence fee funded platform for leftist rants isn't quite the same during an election campaign:
Something we said, I hope.
Of course Brigstocke could have chosen to take the principled path and not appear on the show, but I guess he's got his media profile to worry about. After all, it's not as if he gets much exposure on the BBC.