This is how they do. This is what they do. First successful campaign -- Barry Goldwater. In the battle space of ideas, they offer nothing but destruction and slander. They never engage in debate. They destroy. They destroyed the greatest country in the history of the world. They use the word extremism as a club, when in fact it is a measurement. It is not good or bad. What does tea party "extremism" consist of -- that they will not compromise on the principles of freedom, that in political issues they defend individual rights? The left revolutionaries/weathermen were anti-American extremists, anti-capitalism and individual rights extremists. Ayn Rand said, "And then the 'extremism' of a believer in dictatorship would consist in his taking every possible action to enslave people and to violate rights." Would it be logical to say that he and I are equally to be condemned, merely because we each take an extreme, uncompromising stand in our particular views? Obviously the term has no meaning. No one could say that in political action you must never take an extreme position. It is the nature of your position, not your consistency in advocating it, that warrants support or condemnation. But the term 'extremism' implies the opposite. It is an attack on consistency -- on any consistency. Yet can you really consider consistency per se immoral?" (Objectively Speaking, page 25) Today they have equated patriotism with the terrorism of the sixties -- the revolution that destroyed this country. The evil forces triumphed in the sixties and won (without enormous bloodshed). I pray we too can win without a shot. This time for the good. The Times vilifies Americans today and romanticized female Muslim genocide bombers yesterday on the front page, lede story: "Lured into Russian Jihad, 17 year old Avenges Slain Husband." The husband was a bloodthirsty murdering jihadi. Do they discuss the religious motivation? No. Do they educate Americans on the Islamic text that demands, commands, prescribes jihad? No. They make it, "Jihad, a Love Story." "These religious ideas are very attractive, because they give a kind of alternative to the world that exists," said Zaur Gaziyev, editor in chief of Svobodnaya Respublika, an independent newspaper in Dagestan. "And so this young girl, who grew up without a father, who didn't know male power." This Times story on the tea parties is a battle cry, a call to every decent American to get out of his or her comfort zone and fight the great fight. Andrea Shea King has the story: Sunday NY Times Hit Piece Pictures Weathermen Terrorists With Tea Party Protesters Radio Patriot Another GOP office in Ohio was attacked two nights ago. A note was tied to the brick that was thrown through the window that said,“Stop the Right Wing.” A democratic donor was arrested for threatening to kill GOP House Whip Eric Cantor and his family earlier in the week. A brick was hurled through a GOP office in Michigan last weekend. Harry Reid supporters attacked the Tea Party Express Busand threatened Andrew Breitbart last Saturday. And, a democratic leader compared conservatives to the KKK in a radio interview this week. Also, far left Rep. Emanuel Cleaver backed down from his original statement that he was spit on by tea party protesters during a protest on Capitol Hill. And, it is clear now that the Black Caucus members and state-run media completely fabricated their story that the members of Congress were called the n-word by the tea party protesters. No one was able to collect the $100,000 reward for proof because there was no proof. It was a set up. So, with all of this evidence what is the state-run media to do? American Power reported tonight that The New York Times is posting a tea party protest-Weatherman mashup picture in tomorrow’s Week-in-Review section. These leftists in the democratic-media complex will not stop bashing the tea party movement, no matter what the truth is. American Power has more on the hit piece that goes with the protest photos. Maybe the Vatican was right. Maybe the Old Gray Lady is possessed. UPDATE: Libertas!THE LEFT DESTROY MACHINE IN HIGH GEAR: NEW YORK TIMES DECLARES WAR ON AMERICA
…Compare the tea party protesters to the left-wing Weathermen terrorists, of course.
Monday, 5 April 2010
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Britannia Radio