Thursday, 22 April 2010

townhall magazine

May is for Malkin

She's the subject of racist rants from left-wingers.

She has been assaulted by some of America's nastiest political activists. 

She had her home address published by progressive crazies.

She and her family moved from the D.C. area to get away from the threats.

She's been spat on, screamed at and cursed by ever-so-tolerant liberals. 

So she must be doing something right.

Its Michelle's spirit, courage and feistiness that makes us proud to announce that May issue ofTownhall features an exclusive profile and interview with this conservative warrior, written by Hot Air's Ed Morrissey.

Michelle Malkin has been making a killing doing what she does best: exposing the corruption and lunacy of America's liberals. And the Left can't stop her.

Most people know her as a conservative firebrand who has written best-selling books, including "Culture of Corruption," which dealt with the shady characters that have populated the Obama administration, and "Unhinged," which exposed the lunacy of the Left. She has been a regular analyst and contributor on Fox News for years. Week in and week out, her columns are always among the most read on And her eponymous blog reaches millions of readers. 

Michelle is where she is because she's smart, brave, intelligent and right. But she didn't get there overnight or without sacrifice. 

She knowingly puts herself in the line of fire from the far-Left day after day; gets up at 4am to make a drive to Denver just to do a morning news hit on Fox News; invested countless hours and lots of money to create one of the most popular conservative websites in the world:; supports American troops and paid for a trip for her and a Hot Air producer to report from Forward Operating Base Justice in Baghdad; and invests hours of research and writing (and re-writing) for her top-selling books

Oh, and she's a mom and wife who has kept her priorities in tact.

Here's a taste of Michelle and Ed's conversation that you can read in the May issue:
She would hardly seem like the type who gets vulgar hate mail on a constant basis. What causes the kind of rage and calumny Michelle regularly receives, both in her in-box and in person? Her 2005 book "Unhinged" described some of the disgusting insults she regularly received during the years preceding its publication. Did her success as a pioneer in New Media soften some of the personal attacks? Not really, Michelle tells me in an exclusive interview for Townhall.

"Death threats, racial epithets and sexually explicit taunts are par for the course," Michelle explains. "I still post an occasional ‘Hate Mail of the Day' on my blog, but always more out of amusement than anger."

Her impassioned opposition to Barack Obama has certainly stoked more outrage on the Left, although Michelle found herself more amused by the increased indignation of the "entitlement liberals" who demanded that she stay on the minority reservation. "If not for pioneers like Barack Obama, you wouldn't be where you are today," she hears from people who clearly don't realize that Michelle has been a national figure far longer than President Obama.

"I never cease to be amazed at the claim of entitlement liberals hold over minorities, women and minority women." She calls these eruptions of outrage "ululations of the aggrieved."

Not all of the threats come from the Left. Michelle covered the 2008 Democratic Convention in Denver and expected to get challenged, but the most disturbing experience involved an altercation with conspiracy-theory extremist radio host Alex Jones. While attending a demonstration of "anarchist loons trying to levitate the Denver Mint," Jones charged out of the crowd toward Michelle.

"This bug-eyed hulk came stalking up and screaming at me about how I was a threat to his First Amendment rights," Michelle recalls. "He was spoiling for a fight with a 5-foot-2-inch, 100-pound mom; his clenched fists, bulging neck veins and spittle-flecked face were, I must say, rather disturbing." 

That and other incidents have been lessons learned for Michelle, who now carefully considers safety when conducting business. "Conservative speakers have long known they are potential targets and magnets for fame-seeking trolls," Michelle notes. "But I won't be covering another DNC gathering without a bodyguard, that's for sure."
People like Michelle Malkin need to be more than just thanked and admired by those of us on the right--they need to be held up and supported.

Order Townhall magazine today to ensure you don't miss this exclusive opportunity to see another side of one of the conservative movement's heroes.

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Order Townhall Magazine quickly to make sure you receive the Malkin cover May issue.

Townhall Magazine has a limited number of Michelle Malkin's latest bestseller Culture of Corruption leftSubscribe quickly and get Culture of Corruption free along with the Michelle Malkin cover.

Townhall Magazine is the monthly news and opinion journal from the same team of right-thinking reporters, opinions makers, insiders and political leaders conservatives have trusted for 15 years. It's the place to find interviews with and profiles and writings of some of your favorite conservatives, including Ann CoulterMichelle MalkinThomas Sowell,Andrew Breitbart, Newt Gingrich, Walter WilliamsCharles Krauthammer, George Will, Jonah GoldbergTim Pawlenty,Michele BachmannWayne LaPierreMitt RomneyPat ToomeyMike PenceBill Bennett,Fred Thompson, and many more. 

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