Monday, April 26, 2010
Obama Advisor Tells Anti-Semitic Joke
And The New York Times reports that only the "Israel lobby" is offended, as reported here.
Nearly 80% of the U.S. Jewish electorate voted for Obama for President.Did a Human Torpedo Sink South Korean Ship?
The threat of a surprise, sea-based missile strike on a U.S. coastal city--or a crippling EMP attack on the United States--is growing, thanks to Russia. Click here for the story.Venezuela May Nationalize Gold Industry
Robert Maginnis on Obama's Outreach to Islam
Last summer Obama went to Cairo, Egypt, to launch his “new beginning” campaign with the Muslim world. He told that audience “Islam has demonstrated … religious tolerance” and he promised “to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam.” He said “America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam” and “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.” These comments set the tone for exorcising any negative references to Islam’s association with terrorists from government communications.
That hands-off-Islam campaign is reflected in Obama’s important national security documents. The 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review, a 128-page report that sets out the military’s future strategy and force structure describes the country’s terrorist threat without using the words “Islam,” “Islamic” or Islamist” a single time.
Very soon Obama will publish his first national security strategy. The Washington Times reports that document removes religious terms such as “Islamic extremism” and is rewritten to emphasize the U.S. does not view Muslim nations through the lens of terror.
While the Obama Administration tries to implement government control as in Orwell’s famous 1984 by banning Islamic references and putting them down the memory hole, our soldiers know better. The ground truth about Islam is that it is undeniably linked to radicalism which endangers America and our military should not pretend otherwise.
Click here to read the entire essay.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
South Korea suspects a submersible suicide bomber--a so-called "human torpedo"--sank the South's ship. Click here for the bizarre development.
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Britannia Radio