Today’s show was excellent. This is his best explanation of the CCX scam yet. This is the full section on CCX:
Friday, 30 April 2010
More Information about CCX scam (Chicago Climate Exchange) -
this is a total explanation of CCX
Even if you don't like Glenn Beck, you need to watch this.
No ONE ELSE is covering this!
You will not see this information anywhere else - it is not conspiracy theory.
CCX, Cap-n-Trade, Goldman Sachs, Obama, The Joyce Foundation, Franklin Raines-Fannie Mae,
Al Gore, SEIU, and more ... all tied together in a $10 trillion power grab/scam
The video starts with a summary of what we have learned so far, and then Glenn adds new shocking connections.
You can skip past the summary part if you have already seen it, but you need to watch the rest of it.
If you missed the first shows Glenn did on CCX, and want to start at the beginning, you can watch the 2 videos here
(you can skip the first few minutes of the 1st video ... or the 2nd video does a run down of what happened in the 1st video - the 2nd one is really key)
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Britannia Radio