The Insitute for Fiscal Studies has worked out what parties would have to cut if they win the general election - and the black hole in their plans. Get the full data General election IFS analysis: how the parties would cut spending Graphic: Jenny Ridley Whichever party wins the election is looking at spending cuts - but have they been honest with us about the scale of them? Economics thinktank the Institute for Fiscal Studies says that The IFS said that no party had gone "anywhere near identifying" the cuts they will need to meet their various deficit reduction timetables. In an attack on the "vague" plans sketched out by Labour, Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, the Institute for Fiscal Studies also claimed the Tories were planning the sharpest spending cuts since the second world war, while the Labour and Lib Dem spending slowdowns amounted to the biggest retrenchment since the IMF crisis in the mid-1970s. We've extracted the data from the original IFS report for you here, so you can compare cuts by area of spending. Can you do anything with the data? • Search the world's government data with our gateway Flickr Please post your visualisations and mash-ups on our Flickr groupor mail us at
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Thursday, 29 April 2010
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Britannia Radio