Obama says to our enemies, bring it on, we won't fight ya -- leaving us bare naked vulnerable like a virgin slipped a Rohypnol on her first date with a Chicagoland gangsta.
Obama is removing nuclear defense at a time when Iran's devout mullahcracy is building their nuclear arsenal with the global objective of a universal caliphate.
He is leaving America flailing in the hostile wind. Was there ever a more frightful time in American history? Seriously? -- Yes, there were very dangerous periods (Civil War, WW1, WW2), but always the steward of this great nation was a great American, a patriot, a freedom lover, an American. This low life despises this country and the whole idea of the first moral nation in human history.
His cover in this subversive new suicide pact is "making the world a nuclear free zone." Who does this asshat think he's kidding? What despot will ever be disarmed of their power? What evil dictator has ever surrendered that which made him strong? This punk is going to destroy us.
The hustler in the White House is setting us up. This isn't a new strategy, this is surrender. And the New York Times lap dog reporting is pure Walter Duranty.
WASHINGTON — President Obama said Monday that he was revamping American nuclear strategy to substantially narrow the conditions under which the United States would use nuclear weapons.
But the president said in an interview that he was carving out an exception for “outliers like Iran and North Korea” that have violated or renounced the main treaty to halt nuclear proliferation.
Discussing his approach to nuclear security the day before formally releasing his new strategy, Mr. Obama described his policy as part of a broader effort to edge the world toward making nuclear weapons obsolete, and to create incentives for countries to give up any nuclear ambitions. To set an example, the new strategy renounces the development of any new nuclear weapons,overruling the initial position of his own defense secretary.
Mr. Obama’s strategy is a sharp shift from those of his predecessors and seeks to revamp the nation’s nuclear posture for a new age in which rogue states and terrorist organizations are greater threats than traditional powers like Russia and China.
Scaling new heights of assclownery. We are the laughingstock of the civilized world and the bullseye of the axis of evil.
It eliminates much of the ambiguity that has deliberately existed in American nuclear policy since the opening days of the cold war. For the first time, the United States is explicitly committing not to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that are in compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, even if they attacked the United States with biological or chemical weapons or launched a crippling cyberattack.
Those threats, Mr. Obama argued, could be deterred with “a series of graded options,” a combination of old and new conventional weapons. “I’m going to preserve all the tools that are necessary in order to make sure that the American people are safe and secure,” he said in the interview in the Oval Office.
King of the Asshats, I tell ya.
White House officials said the new strategy would include the option of reconsidering the use of nuclear retaliation against a biological attack, if the development of such weapons reached a level that made the United States vulnerable to a devastating strike.
[...]The release of the new strategy, known as the Nuclear Posture Review, opens an intensive nine days of nucleardiplomacy geared toward reducing weapons. Mr. Obama plans to fly to Prague to sign a new arms-control agreement with Russia on Thursday and then next week will host 47 world leaders in Washington for a summit meeting on nuclearsecurity.
He dodged when asked whether he shared Israel’s view that a “nuclear capable” Iran was as dangerous as one that actually possessed weapons.
“I’m not going to parse that right now,” he said, sitting in his office as children played on the South Lawn of the White House at a daylong Easter egg roll. But he cited the example of North Korea, whose nuclear capabilities were unclear until it conducted a test in 2006, which it followed with a second shortly after Mr. Obama took office.
He dodged? New York Timese for "ducked."
Mr. Obama said he wanted a new United Nations sanctions resolution against Iran “that has bite,” but he would not embrace the phrase “crippling sanctions” once used by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. And he acknowledged the limitations of United Nations action. “We’re not naïve that any single set of sanctions automatically is going to change Iranian behavior,” he said, adding “there’s no light switch in this process.”
OMG. I am actually embarrassed for my nation.
“Our expectation is not that there’s just some vague, gauzy statement about us not wanting to see loose nuclear materials,” he said. “We anticipate a communiqué that spells out very clearly, here’s how we’re going to achieve locking down all the nuclear materials over the next four years.”
Get the book. Now. The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, April 05, 2010 at 11:37 PM | Permalink | Comments (11) ShareThis
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Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Mancow in the morning -- 8:30 am Eastern time
and Jaz McKay in the afternoon 4:00 pm Eastern.
Atlas has got you covered -- coming and going.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 at 01:53 AM in Radio Interviews | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis
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Oh yes, sharia is measurably better than freedom and democracy. Just ask the liberals.
Of course, there is a silver lining if Islam prevails -- seeing all those degenerate liberals living under sharia law. Yup, that is poetic social justice.
Husband cuts off wife’s nose in Turkish village – Then She Gets Beaten by Police Undhimmi
Behold, the peace of Islam - Nazia, a 17-year old girl from Afghanistan, who suffered a similar fate in 2007
Modern, Secular Turkey™ Alert. ‘Family Council’ = Sharia court?:
Yosma A., 40, mother of six and Kars resident, was mutilated by her husband and brother-in-law on Sunday.
The woman whose nose was cut off took shelter in her father’s home and filed a complaint against the abusers. A similar incident occurred in May 2009 in Ağrı, when a 23-year-old woman was stabbed in the stomach, her nose and ears cut off and was left for dead in a desolated area, following the decision of a “family council.”
Yosma A. and her husband Mirsevdi A., 43, who is also her relative, live in the Çığırgan village. The couple had an argument at noon on Sunday and Mirsevdi’s elder brother Recep A., 45, got involved in the fight. It was reported that the two brothers beat the woman and cut off her nose. Yosma ran away from the house and took shelter in her father’s house. Then, she went to the gendarmerie in the Kümbetli village where she filed a complaint against her abusers.
A gendarmerie officer took the woman to the Kars State Hospital where she received medical attention at the ER. In the hospital, Yosma A. reportedly said that she was also abused by the gendarmerie officer during the drive to the hospital. According to her claims, thegendarmerie officer hit her with his fist and threatened her to not file a complaint about her husband and brother-in-law.
“I was beaten by my husband and my brother-in-law. Just to make things worse I also was beaten by the gendarmerieofficer as he threatened me. I filed a complaint against all of them. There is not safety for my life in this village,” – Yosma A., victim of Muslim violence
Eastern Turkey is, and always has been, a world away from the more developed and secular enclaves of the Western half.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, April 06, 2010 at 01:52 AM in Turkey's Re-Islamization, Women and children | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis
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Monday, April 05, 2010
Stand up, get up, stand up for your life. The world is descending into barbarity and violent inhumanity.
Nick Bergamini: The Cost of Supporting Israel [freedom] hat tip Jane
This is from a Facebook entry of Nick, a student at Carleton University….
Tonight I went out to the bars downtown. It was a great night with my roommate Mark Klibanov. Around 1:45am, as we were leaving the bar, and we heard the shout of “Zionist” in Arabic. As it stands now, we weren’t sure if the shouts were directed at myself, a known a supporer of Israel, or Mark, an actual Israeli.
Quickly, we both responded that yes we were Zionists. All of a sudden we were surrounded by 10-15 men who began to shout at us in Arabic. We tried to back out and run away. All of a sudden, I was struck in the back of the head. I’m not sure if it was a fist, a rock or a pipe but it left me dazed and bleeding.
We quickly ran back to the bar and stood beside the bouncers. The crowd of anti-Israel thugs dispersed.
About 10 minutes later, assuming that it was safe, we began to walk home. We were walking through a parking lot when a car pulled up next to us. The driver shouted “I fucking hit you, you Jew.”
We stood our ground. Quickly we had three guys around us. We were able to push them away. As the cowards that they were, they retreated. Then I heard, shouts of “Open the trunk!” One of them opened the trunk and I saw glistening in the street light the reflection of a 12-inch machete. “Fucking Jew,” he shouted. I began to run for my life as he was only 5 or 6 feet away.
I ran, and as I looked back, I saw the long shiny blade slicing through the air about 12 inches from my neck. I ran as fast I could and, thanks to my grade 9 track and field training, got away.
People who were around the scene said the blade came within inches of my neck. Now, the debate on campuses has reached the next level. In this country, people are no longer safe if they support Israel. But you know what? I will never take back my beliefs. I support Israel 100 per cent.
But I will say this. Some of the guys who tried to kill us are Carleton students and I recognize who they are. What is this country coming to?
UPDATE: Nazis on parade in OTTAWA -- An Islamic studies centre at Carleton University is receiving a big fund-raising boost from renowned Muslim intellectual Tariq Ramadan.
UPDATE: Machete used by attackers, students say
Carleton students file complaint with Gatineau police.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, April 05, 2010 at 06:43 PM in Antisemitism:Modern Argument to Age Old Hate | Permalink | Comments (15) ShareThis
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EDL supporters in Dudley
The media coverage of the EDL and their fight for England and inevitably the West is corrupt and shameless. Here's an excerpt of their on-scene coverage. We are witnessing the same campaign of smear and destruction here in the States with the tea parties. We are at war, ladies and gentlemen. It is very real and very much in the early throes. Bloodshed, conflict and bullets are the end result of the war on the information battle space. Here we are. Take a side -- your life, your freedom and that of your children depend on it. Go here to read it all.
If this £18m monstrosity is built, it will be the end for Dudley as the residents know it. Muslims will flock from all over, as they have in many towns and cities across the UK already and claim the area for their own. We cannot allow this to happen to another English town.
For an example of the attitudes of some localised black country Muslims please click here.
We had received overwhelming support from the public in Dudley, and despite what local councillors, faith groups etc had to say about our coming to the town, we have received overwhelming support from the locals over our plans. I always thought that councils spoke for the people, though i guess with their Politically Correct mindsets, they genuinely believe they are. These are the people who were prepared to "roll over" and admit defeat. The local council did not want this "Islamic Village", but big brother down at Westminster had spoken, so they must all bow.
A few hours have passed now, and the coach is alive with energy. I was so tied up in thought, i had forgotten to tell the driver that we were not to drive straight into Dudley, but had been instructed by police to stop at a motorway services nearby. I had to instruct the driver to pull off at the next junction so that he could turn around and join the others at the services.
On pulling off of the motorway, we were met by a group of around 15 police officers on motorcycles at the side of the road. They appeared to be having a briefing, and were very shocked to see our coach at the roundabout leading to Dudley. We were instantly surrounded and ordered to follow, and from there escorted back to the services. Here there were already a few hundred EDL supporters waiting.
Coaches were arriving, but the numbers at the services were much lower than i had expected. I had the feeling that this was the general feeling although the mood was great, and people were singing and waving flags. Coaches were still arriving so this was not a major concern. It was time to go to Dudley, there were approximately 4-500 supporters in the services and we began to board the coaches. We were led by police convoy towards Dudley, all the roads along the way were blocked by the police escort giving us free passage for the 6-7 mile trip. The streets were busy, and as we drew closer to the town the opposition to this Mosque was apparent. Residents were lining the streets clapping and cheering, tooting their car horns and even standing next to their cars which had been held up by the police blockades and welcoming us to the town. The atmosphere on the coaches was electric at this time, we knew now that we had the full support of the locals, as we have had at all of the demonstrations we have attended.
We arrived at the muster point, which was in the middle of the Dudley bypass, a dual-carriageway which had been closed due to the demonstration. We had chosen a site nearby, a car park. We did not want to cause disruption to the town centre, and also wanted to demonstrate in the vicinity of the proposed Islamic village and due to the numbers we had, expected the town centre would not have been a suitable venue to hold our demonstration in any case. We were greeted by a group of around 800 supporters who were already at the site, and all the while local residents were joining the muster point from both ends of the bypass. This was where it became apparent that this was to be our largest demonstration to date, though as the people of Dudley had their 20,000+ petition against the Mosque thrown in their faces by the government this did not surprise me. You will find a petition from“local” muslims to number 10 Downing Street here. You will also find an article about this in the Birmingham Mail here. you can also see how events panned out after this article here. Let us take note of some contributing factors to “community tensions”here, the local people of Dudley signed a petition against the building of this mosque, 22,000 signatures were collected, the Muslim community of Dudley raised 3,876 signatures in favour of building this mosque thats nowhere anything near the amount of people opposed to the building of this mosque yet permission was granted! The council, the local people of Dudley betrayed by a government hoping to secure the Muslim block vote in order to retain power in parliament!
This was not going to be a normal EDL demonstration. The residents of Dudley were angry at the betrayal of the government, especially the local youth who were already starting to get restless at the muster point. More groups were joining all of the time, so much so that we were delayed whilst waiting for around 10 coaches which had turned up late to the services. As well as the locals joining from all angles, there was a sizeable group of supporters who had arrived by train, bus and car who had been told to muster at another location. This group was escorted up to us, and at this point i would now estimate the group on the bypass to be at around 4000.
Once we were all present, we were slowly escorted to the demonstration point, where we were greeted by further supporters who had arrived directly at the site. We arrived at the demonstration point, the atmosphere was good and we were getting ready to commence the demonstration, though we could not help but notice that we were surrounded by high fencing. This was all around the demonstration point, and there was a very claustrophobic feeling in entering as the car park was set lower than the surrounding area. There was a happy, but slightly uneasy feeling in the air at this stage, but people were chatting and generally seemed to be having a good time. There were children, pensioners and people from all races and sexualities present. There were a few pink triangles on display at this demo, as well as flags from all across the world, though police had confiscated most of our flag poles at the services, despite an agreement beforehand that they would be permitted. This had become a normal mix at recent demonstrations as people begin to see through the media and far left lies.
The demonstration had begun, and our first speaker stepped up on the stage. Sareeta, a British Indian Sikh girl and her boyfriend, who was of Caribbean appearance immediately made it clear that the English Defence League was not formed as an organisation which discriminated against individuals from an ethnic background other than English. Surprisingly there are still some narrow minded individuals and groups around in this day and age who will attempt to smear an organisation with these accusations for political gain, even though they know the accusations to be false. Also, Guramit gave a speech, and there was also a speech by a young girl with family in Russia. She gave her speech in Russian as a message of support for the recent Muslim Metro suicide bombings. Sareeta's speech, and the young girls speech can be found here.
EDL Supporters are pelted with Bricks and Bottles
Unfortunately, whilst Sareeta was giving her speech, a mob had approached a corner of the cage surrounding us and started to throw bricks and bottles at us. This caused a surge towards the area, and the missiles were thrown back. Police officers outside the cage did nothing. They stood idly by as we were pelted with a barrage of missiles. This was the moment when some members of our group proceeded to shake the fences down in an attempt to chase the offenders away. We were completely defenceless from inside this makeshift cage, and though we do not condone violence, self defence is the right of every human being. As i mentioned , the police stood and did nothing from outside the cage, and left our stewards to attempt to diffuse the situation. Eventually the fences came down, and at this point the police officers who were standing at the safety of the exterior of the cage appeared to run away! Our stewards did a fantastic job at calming the crowd and containing them in the designated area alone, and as you can see by the video, no major disruption was caused.There was a strong feeling of vulnerability now, what with police officers turning a blind eye to the missiles being directed at us, and with officers running away. Also, there was a sense of anger towards the police at their lack of action. Various groups, who i believe were local youths, were making attempts to leave the demonstration at this stage. The demonstration was now over, and after being caged for around an hour and a half we feel that we had made our point, and it was time to go.
All in all, the police should have handled the situation much better. One wonders if it was the intentions of West Midlands Police to cause infighting inside the demonstration, which did not happen. Why were the missile throwers allowed to continue to do that completely un-challenged by the 100's of officers? How were they able to reach our designated area with weapons? At the end of the day, there were just 9 arrests in total, and 6 of these were from the UAF contingent for carrying offensive weapons (knives were confiscated) and drugs. One of our marshals was injured by a bottle, and it is believed that this was caused whilst missiles were being thrown over the cage. We are studying video evidence on this incident.
All in all, the situation could have been handled much better by the police. But then again we are talking about West Midlands Police, the same police force who allowed rioting in Birmingham. Freedom of speech is a hard fought right for every British citizen to embrace, it looks like we will have to fight to retain that right, much is the pity.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, April 05, 2010 at 06:39 PM in COUNTER JIHAD 2009 | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis
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On Wednesday, April 7th from 4:45 pm on, religious, civic and human rights leaders of many faiths and backgrounds will gather in front of the Nigerian Consulate in New York City to raise their voices of conscience about the continuing massacres of Christians as well as the ongoing barbaric persecution of non-Muslim minorities by jihadists in Nigeria and elsewhere across the globe.
Please join us and fight Islamic jihad.
Screen shot Jan 2010 Muslim slaughter Christians -- 460 dead in Nigerian city.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, April 05, 2010 at 06:24 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis
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Jon David has penned an incredible love song in support of our troops with "American Heart" -- an amazing love song for America.
Jon performed this gem for our inaugural FDI event at CPAC. Listen to his music. Da best!