Thursday, 29 April 2010

Newsmax Magazine

A Nuclear 9/11.
It Could Happen.

Al-Qaida is racing to acquire a nuclear device.
They want to detonate it in an American city.
A Newsmax report goes inside the effort to stop them.

A Hiroshima-sized nuclear device smuggled into the U.S. inside a cargo container detonates in California's Port of Long Beach, killing 60,000 people instantaneously, exposing another 150,000 to deadly radiation, touching off massive fires and forcing the evacuation of 6 million panicked people in the Los Angeles basin.

Could it happen?

Top experts say it not only could happen, it is "more likely than not" to occur within the next several years.

Last month the Obama administration admitted that al-Qaida is frantically trying to acquire a nuclear device.

Now Newsmax magazine talks to some of the top experts in the U.S., including interviews with former CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden and current FBI Director Robert Mueller.

In Newsmax magazine's special report, "Nuclear D-Day," we take an in-depth look at the frightening and ever-growing threat of a nuclear attack orchestrated by terrorists or a rogue state like Iran.

The report was written by New York Times best-selling author and Newsmax Contributing Editor Kenneth R. Timmerman, who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his work exposing Iran's nuclear program.

He warns that a nuclear strike against a high-profile American target remains the No. 1 goal of Islamic terrorists. And when they do strike, the experts say, America almost certainly will be grossly unprepared to handle it.

The new edition of Newsmax magazine is hitting newsstands across the country, including many Barnes & Noble bookstores and Hudson News airport newsstands.

You can also check out our FREE offer — the Emergency Radio — a $30 value and something every home must have. Go Here Now.

This exclusive Newsmax report explores:

  • The CIA's starting assessment about al-Qaida's nuclear plan
  • Financial markets and more - the grave repercussions of a nuclear blast
  • Bin Laden's "religious duty" to obtain a nuclear weapon
  • Does Iran already have the bomb?
  • Three broad ways terrorists can obtain a nuke
  • Obama's "woeful" preparations for biothreats
  • Iran's ominous ties with Chavez's Venezuela
  • North Korea's growing nuclear capabilities
  • A frightening number: 1,562 "confirmed incidents" of nuclear materials smuggling
  • The "dirty bomb" threat against American cities
  • Former CIA chief Michael Hayden's warning about al-Qaida and WMDs
  • Fugitive Adnan Shukrijumah: "the next Mohamed Atta"
  • Chilling claim: al-Qaida bought three suitcase bombs
  • How Iran could conceal a nuclear test
  • Why Obama's nuclear security summit was misguided
  • Al-Qaida's attempt to bomb France
  • The federal response plan that's called "a joke"
  • Cheney: Interrogations prevented attacks after 9/11
  • The Nuclear Security Administration's impressive efforts overseas
  • How terrorists could build a bomb in the U.S. "from scratch"
  • Bipartisan commission: WMD attack by terrorists by 2013
  • Three rules for surviving after a nuclear blast
  • And more

Find out how you can get this report FREE — PLUS get an Emergency Radio worth almost $30 with our FREE offer. Go Here Now.

This edition of Newsmax magazine is not to be missed.

In addition to hard-hitting investigative reports and special commentary from Ben Stein, Dick Morris, John Stossel, Bill O’Reilly, Christopher Ruddy, David Limbaugh, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Ed Koch, James Hirsen and others, you get much more in Newsmax magazine, including:

  • Pelosi's Democrats: House ethics are as dirty as ever
  • Why Obama really wants immigration reform
  • Palm-reader Sarah Palin gets the last laugh
  • What Obamacare means to you - year by year
  • Federal stimulus - abuse, waste, and blunders
  • Mexican drug cartels infiltrate U.S. law enforcement
  • Scary: Congress moves to create two Hawaiis
  • Michele Bachmann's good sense resonates
  • Mitt Romney interview: U.S. must change course
  • Obama's drilling plan slammed from both sides
  • Dick Morris: GOP needs 10 wins in Senate
  • ElBaradei has Egypt at a turning point
  • Bill O'Reilly tells why CNN can't beat him
  • Democrats pine for more Hollywood bucks
  • Prediction: gold at $1,500 by December
  • Fun ways to help you live longer
  • Can Senate hopeful Michael Williams energize Texas?
  • Republicans tweeting toward 2012
  • Vatican exorcist admits Satan lurks at Holy See
  • Cindy Sheehan still protesting war policy
  • 48 states facing budget shortfalls
  • Ben Stein: Let's respect civil servants
  • Mark Levin phenomenal rise: it's about the law
  • Catholic Church sues Columbia Pictures
  • Kitchens of tomorrow are here today
  • How to safely boost your income
  • Dennis Miller: radio's comic rantmeister
  • Cell phone radiation: what you must know
  • Peter Greenberg lists the very best travel websites
  • Is Glenn Beck wrong about Theodore Roosevelt?

Plus: Ronald Kessler’s Washington.

Again, there is so much more in Newsmax magazine, which won a Silver Eddie Award in the News/Commentary category of Folio magazine’s prestigious journalism awards, the Eddies.

Ben Stein says Newsmax reveals the “unafraid, uncomplicated, bare-knuckles truth about today’s dangerous world.”

Dick Morris says Newsmax is his "favorite magazine" and a "must read."

Nationally syndicated radio host Michael Reagan, son of the late President Reagan, says: “I guarantee that you’ll love Newsmax magazine. The liberal media moguls hate Newsmax.”

And Sarah Palin says Newsmax is one of her top news sources and describes it as "very very helpful, valuable."

Find out why more than half a million people read Newsmax magazine each month.

Better: Be one! Get our “Nuclear D-Day” issue and an Emergency Radio with our FREE offer — Go Here Now.