Wednesday, 14 April 2010


Obama Advisor Sold 
America Out In 1994 - Vid 
Interview With An Architect Of Our Demise
From Dick Allgire 

At the end of the most recent Jeff Rense segment with the brilliant Catherine Austin Fitts, she mentioned a prophetic interview done by Charlie Rose in 1994 with Sir James Goldsmith. He quite accurately predicted the outcome of "free trade" and globalization.
In this interview, Goldsmith calmly debated the shrill, dishonest mouthpiece for the Clinton administration, Laura D'Andrea Tyson. Tyson is now thoroughly discredited and should be held in contempt, if not prosecuted. If you wonder how our country and our middle class was stolen, listen to this hideous woman, then check out her biographical information online. She is advising the current resident of the White House.
Go to You Tube and listen to the entire interview. It will make you sick.
Please take the time to listen to is very important.
-Dick Allgire