Friday, 16 April 2010

Obamanoids "Crash" Tea Party, Claim Dear Leader Has Cut Taxes
The smug leftist blog Talking Points Memo claimed yesterday that, "The loudest and most boisterous protesters at the tea party rally weren't anti-Obama conservatives, but were instead Obama supporters who crashed the event with a huge banner reading "Thank You For Our Tax Cuts, President Obama." 

• Your Support Needed To Keep Propaganda Matrix Online 

Obama Mocks Tea Partiers: ‘You Would Think They’d Be Saying Thank You’
“I’ve been a little amused over the past couple of days where people have been having these rallies about taxes…” 

 CBS Poll: Republicans Have Absorbed the Tea Party

A Consistent Argument for Limited Government
Congressman Paul appeared on MSNBC’s Daily Meeting and Fox News’ America Live with Megyn Kelly.

America and the Dictators

The crisis has come suddenly, almost without warning. At the far edge of American power in Asia, things are going from bad to much worse than anyone could have imagined.

Stop and search UK: A Briton is interrogated by police every 20 seconds. 90% aren’t even arrested 
Somebody is stopped and searched by the police every 20 seconds in ‘Big Brother’ Britain, it was revealed last night.

Volcano flight chaos could last up to SIX MONTHS as air traffic chiefs extend UK lockdown to 1am
Airports across Britian were deserted today after an unprecedented lockdown of airspace prompted by the threat from a deadly cloud of volcanic ash.

1st TV Debate Points to Hung Parliament
With airports on lock-down due to the massive cloud of soot thrown up by an Icelandic volcano, Britain this morning woke up to headlines hailing Nick Clegg, the leader of the UK’s third party the Liberal Democrats, as the winner of the first US-style TV debate in history.

Rewriting the History of the Collapse
The talking points have been written and the official spokesmen have been briefed. Now all that remains is for them to deliver the government-approved version of the history of the financial collapse that has led to the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression.

 Goldman Real Estate Fund Lost 98 Cents on the Dollar
 Yet Another Reason To Break Up The Big Banks