The battle for Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is coming. Obama and west is tightening the noose around Israel and the dreaded "final status negotiations" will come and will not end in our favor. Based on conversations I have had with high level police officers and other security officials, we will lose the Temple Mount if we do not act now! We owe it to all the soldiers who gave their lives in the liberation of the Mount, we owe it to the 2,000 years of prayer and suffering that generation upon generation went through so that we could return.
I have started a petition last night that will be delivered to the Prime Ministers Office on Jerusalem Day May 12, 2010 if we can get enough signatures. Ideally I would like to gather half a million signatures before Jerusalem Day and make a very strong statement that we all stand behind Jewish Sovereignty on the Temple Mount. While online petitions do not solve problems, they can be a tool to begin uniting people and spur them to take more action.
Sign it and urge everyone else to sign it and forward it as well, If we all work together we can change the situation!
Yosef Rabin
Spokesman to North America
HaTenua LeChinun HaMikdash (Organization for Renewal of the Temple)