Tuesday 13 April 2010

Poland’s tragedy: sorrow, and anger , Denis Dutton and Adam Chmielewski openDemocracy -

Poland’s tragedy: sorrow, and anger , Denis Dutton and Adam Chmielewski

It is a particular kind of tragedy for a nation to lose a leader in a singular event, as in the assassination of John F Kennedy; another to lose thousands of citizens in acts of war, as in the attacks of 11 September 2001. But the plane-crash on 10...

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Poland’s second Katyń: out of the ashes, Krzysztof Bobinski

Everyone tries to behave well when confronted by tragedy. Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, is proving no exception. He and the Russian authorities have behaved with notable compassion in the aftermath of the Polish plane-crash near the...

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Thailand’s political transformation , Tyrell Haberkorn

The weeks of popular protests by thousands of red-shirted demonstrators in the centre of Bangkok reached a critical stage on the late Saturday evening of 10 April 2010. At that point, Thailand’s state-security forces began a crackdown against...

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Germany, Greece, and Europe’s future, Ulrike Guerot

After weeks of heated argument over the Greek debt crisis, the European Union has engineered a kind of solution – albeit a strictly limited and provisional one. The European council summit on 25-26 March 2010 in Brussels reached an agreement to...

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Nigeria and the politics of massacre, Martin Shaw

The shocking massacre of hundreds of Christian villagers near Jos, central Nigeria, in early and mid-March 2010 attracted considerable – if also brief - international attention. A study in the (London) Observer claims that considerably more...

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France: president’s defeat, polity’s crisis , Patrice de Beer

The party may already be over for the hyperactive French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, even after only three years in office. The rout of his Union pour une Majorité Présidentielle (UMP) in France’s two-round regional elections on 14 and 21 March...

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Malefactors of great wealth, J Bradford DeLong


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Grasping Reality with Our Minions, Our Machines, and Our Mental Powers The Semi-Daily Journal of Economist J. Bradford DeLong: Fair, Balanced, Reality-Based, and Mulish


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Outrage in Kandahar after deadly NATO attack on Afghan bus, Dries Belet

NATO’s plans for winning over the population in southern Afghanistan suffered a major setback yesterday when US soldiers opened fire on a bus full of civilians. The killing of four passengers, including a woman and a child, and the wounding of...

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