Saturday, 10 April 2010 05:19
'Italian prosecutors have recommended the indictment of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for tax fraud and embezzlement in his Mediaset TV station.
Prosecutors have requested that the case against Berlusconi and 11 other people, including his son Pier Silvio, be sent for trial, court sources said on Friday.
If indicted, Berlusconi is unlikely to stand trial, because his lawyers can invoke a new law that shields the premier from criminal prosecution for up to 18 months.'
Read more: Prosecutors Recommend Indictment of Berlusconi
Saturday, 10 April 2010 07:22
CBC Montreal's environment columnist, Geeta Nadkarni, talks about the dangers of CFL bulbs and the dirty electricity they produce. She interviewed the leading researcher in the field, Magda Havas of Trent University, as well as EMF Consultant, Tom Nadas of EMF Security. Tom provides a demonstration of the dirty electricity produced by CFL blubs and their cumulative impact on the electromagnetic environment that surrounds us.
Saturday, 10 April 2010 07:27
''The Bilderberg group will conduct its annual meeting June 3-6 in Sitges, Spain (a small, exclusive resort town about 20 miles from Barcelona) behind a wall of armed guards who will seal off the resort in a futile attempt to keep the event secret.
Bilderberg’s meeting will follow that of its brother group, the Trilateral Commission, which will gather at the Four Seasons Resort in Dublin, Ireland May 6-10. Leaders of Bilderberg also attend the Trilateralists’ meeting to map their common agenda.'
Read more: Bilderberg to Meet in Spain, the Trilateral Commission in Ireland