Published Articles by John Loeffler
- What happens When Private Property is No Longer a Right
- �How did it come to this?� muses King Theoden in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings as the Battle of Helm's Deep was about to commence. The residents of Middle Earth never saw their time of trial coming until it had grown to a level of grave crisis and so it is today. Look about you resident of Middle Class, the Battle of Pockets Deep is about to begin as Lord Taxman wages war.
Stop Complaining! - This week's letter from the ACLU appeared in the business mail, alarmed at the assault Attorney General John Ashcroft is waging on civil rights and hinting that if I kick some money into the pot they could prosecute an effective defense to this clear and present danger.
Throw the Rascals Out! - Now that the California recall circus is over and the Governator is in, a pre-mortem is in order for the nation's economy. California's recall election will be viewed by history as the first shot in a series of battles nationwide fought to the cry of "throw the rascals out," tantamount to the "Grito de Dolores" of Mexican history.
- You can usually get to the bottom of any issue in about 2-1/2 minutes simply by asking the right questions. If it takes any longer than that you're probably being misled. The other night found another debate on a cable channel about whether anti-terrorist laws were protecting us or depriving us of our civil rights.
- “Oh my, Caesar, wasn’t that the Rubicon we just crossed?” Call it a paradigm shift, a worldview revolution or a sea change but today’s America is a totally different creature from the America of yesterday. All of the changes – political, social, economic, global -- are interconnected and they are most likely irreversible.
- The whirring, blurring, banging of a radical paradigm change is a bewildering experience for those compelled to live through it. Few caught in its convulsions comprehend the meaning behind it all, largely because they view events through the comfortable filters of their old paradigms. Even at the end of World War II, many Germans were still trying to figure out how Der Fuehrer had managed to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. After all, it looked so promising back in the good old days of 1932. For a few “connectors” at the time, the horrors of the Endlösung in 1942 were clearly visible from 1932. Although their colleagues called them radicals and extremists, history proved them right. The rest suffered in denial.
- Just when you thought it was safe to go to the mall, he’s back; our longtime nemesis, Osama bin Whatshisname is declaring fatwa-like solidarity with Saddam Hussein and urging the Islamic world to fight off the Yankee imperialist pig-dog no-virgins-for-you socialist oppressor. Hey, wasn’t thus guy supposed to be dead? What was invading Afghanistan was all about? ObL’s reappearance at this time is a subtle indication that something is badly off-track with the war on terror and why we stand to lose that war if we stay the current course.
- Every time I run into a public school teen it happens. "Hi, Ryan." Unintelligible grunt response. "Whatcha doing?" "Nuthin'." "Anything happenin'?" "Naw." Whereafter Ryan hurries off to pursue his active life of nothing happening with his friends and I check to see if I have acquired dengue fever without knowing it. So tell me, where is this socialization the government school crowd always promotes as a reason for not home schooling?
- Americans have enjoyed so much freedom for so long, they have forgotten that freedom is a fluke in the history of the world; not the norm. Our freedoms were hard-won over hundreds of years of human tears. The current view that freedoms are somehow self-sustaining and "obvious" ignores a primary rule of the political universe, well established in human history: governments and those in them always gravitate toward power, money and control; power for themselves, confiscating money and property from their people, who then have to be controlled lest they protest too much.
- Westerners erroneously adhere to the belief that socialism is leftist and fascism is rightist, dialectical opposites measured along a straight political plane of extremes. In reality both lead away from freedom towards dictatorships, which are remarkably similar.
- John Loeffler examines the roots of the steady ostracizing of the conservative school of thought due to incidents like the Oklahoma City Bombing being used by the liberal left to brand conservatives and traditional constitutionalists as "right wing" extremist s, all with the support and collusion of a liberal, leftist mainline media.
- Watch for phrases like, "Most Scientists Believe". Why does the scientific community tend to criticize faith in Christians, and yet operate so frequently on the basis of "things not seen?"
- There's a disturbing agenda behind the seemingly innocent "Green" movement. Don't be fooled by clever rhetoric. Also, Forfeiture. Remember unreasonable search and seizure being unconsitutional? Not any more. Now it's ALL reasonable.
- Evolution, religious wars, diversity. When you sum it all up, the mantras of the new age are stupidity masquerading as a virtue.
- Absolute truth has been replaced with moral relativism, despite the inherent hypocrisy of the current culture of "tolerance."
- Outcome-Based Education and Goals 2000. Be afraid. Be very afraid.