Thursday, 29 April 2010

Red Ice Radio: Sonia Barrett - Hacking the Mind & Breaking Reality Codes

'Author of “The Holographic Canvas”, Sonia Barrett returns to Red Ice Radio to talk about some of her latest material on how to hack the mind and break the code of reality. We discuss the human being as a program and the holographic program that is underlying everything. We discuss the recent news about the Croatian girl who woke up from a coma speaking fluent German. How can we re-program our belief about reality and hence change reality?'

Listen here: Red Ice Radio: Sonia Barrett - Hacking the Mind & Breaking Reality Codes

Eddie Izzard- Death Star Canteen

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Obama Administration Defies Congressional Subpoena on Fort Hood Documents

'The Obama administration said Tuesday it would provide more information to Congress about the Fort Hood shootings but continued to defy a subpoena request for witness statements and other documents.

After days of negotiations, the Pentagon and Justice Department informed a Senate committee that they would not comply with congressional subpoenas to share investigative records from the Nov. 5 shootings at Fort Hood, Tex., which killed 13 people. The agencies said that divulging the material could jeopardize their prosecution of Army Maj. Nidal M. Hasan, the accused gunman.'

Read more: Obama Administration Defies Congressional Subpoena on Fort Hood Documents

Man Fined for Reversing Into His Own Driveway

'Maxwell Cannon was issued with a £60 fixed penalty notice and informed that he was committing a traffic offence for waiting on the zigzag markings of a pediestrian crossing outside his home in Harrington, near Workington in Cumbria.

Mr Cannon, 25, said he was waiting for a break in the heavy traffic to reverse onto his property on August 10 last year and appealed the ticket at West Allerdale Magistrate's Court. The court upheld the fine and Carlisle Crown Court has now turned down his appeal.'

Read more: Man Fined for Reversing Into His Own Driveway