So, President Zuma is not... (to my knowledge, but I could easily be wrong) currently running around singing Mshini Wami (bring me my machine gun). And (for now), it seems we've not heard any news reports of Julius Malema singing "Kill the Boer".
Of course, you never know whether they ARE singing these things but the Media is just not reporting it. You can never truly rely on the media. There is much that they quietly just let slip by and pretend it never happened.
But let's say, on the face of it, it looks as if, for the time being: Zuma and Malema are quiet - for now.
But look at the National Union of Mineworkers, one of the COSATU offshoots. They are singing this song. COSATU are the people, the FAR LEFT, who destroyed Mbeki and brought Zuma to power. Ignore what everyone else tells you. I'm telling you, my personal opinion is that COSATU made Zuma president. COSATU are "the army" to a degree. Malema is also "the army", but COSATU as well.
So why is COSATU singing this song? Why is this COSATU affiliate still singing it?
One possibility is this: Zuma and Malema might be "driven underground" in their efforts to do things... and they might find other ways to disseminate their ideas and propaganda. They might do it in ways that you can't tie back to them.
The key thing to watch here are the Blacks and their continued singing of RACE HATE SONGS. If Blacks continue to sing race hate songs on a large scale... in gatherings, on the radio, at political or other mass settings then: Rest assured the ANC is firmly steering us towards a RACE WAR.
So let's keep watching this, but the signs don't seem good.
Posted By: Jan
AfricanCrisis Webmaster
Author of: Government by Deception
My all time favourite movie quote is from the Dwarf in Lord of the Rings:
"Certainty of death, small chance of success... what are we waiting for?"
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
S.Africa: 2010: IMPORTANT:
Looks like Kill the Boer is definitely ANC policy -
Race War is DEFINITELY their goal...
Date Posted: Sunday 18-Apr-2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio