Saturday, 24 April 2010 07:25 Caroline Lucas and company ... 'We'd love to help ... but, er, what excuse can we think of??' Dear Stephen, Thank you for your email and for asking Caroline to look into this case. Much as she shares your concern about Hollie, the reports of a police cover up and the risk to numerous other children, she cannot at present see what she can do in her capacity as an MEP. Certainly the Green Party would back the calls for a full investigation but it seems to me that legal action is required here. I am sorry we cannot help at present and thank you again for getting in touch. Kind regards, Cath. Cath Miller Constituency Coordinator and Researcher Office of Dr Caroline Lucas Green Party MEP for SE England But hundreds of people who are not even an MP of any kind are helping Hollie Greig. How about helping in your capacity as leader of the Green Party? How about helping out of sheer human decency and a sense of justice? Pathetic Ms Lucas - pathetic. But then this is the lady so disconnected from reality that she says travellers who regularly jet off to foreign holidays are threatening the lives of others (through non-existent human-caused global warming) - and she says they do as much damage as thugs who stab people in the street. Caroline Lucas: batteries not included. --------------------------------------- Caroline Lucas MEP: Green Party Fat Cat Or rather ... Saturday, 24 April 2010 06:50 'Hallucinogenic drugs including LSD and Ecstasy are being used by doctors in tests to treat conditions including cancer anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Scientists are once again striving to prove that psychedelic drugs can be of medical benefit more than four decades after authorities clamped down on their use for both recreational and research purposes. While the research is still preliminary, early results from a New York University study suggest that participants are less fearful of death and have less general anxiety. They are also said to have greater acceptance of the dying process with no major side effect.' Saturday, 24 April 2010 06:46 At a meeting in Copenhagen June 10, 1931: Arnold Toynbee, "Director of Studies" at Chatham House, London, said: "It is just because we are really attacking the principle of local sovereignty that we keep on protesting our loyalty to it so loudly. Saturday, 24 April 2010 06:34 'A Fox News hit piece against Jesse Ventura and the 9/11 truth movement written by former Washington D.C. prosecutor Jeffrey Scott Shapiro inadvertently reveals a shocking truth, that World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein, who collected nearly $500 million dollars in insurance as a result of the collapse of Building 7, a 47-story structure that was not hit by a plane but collapsed within seven seconds on September 11, was on the phone to his insurance carrier attempting to convince them that the building should be brought down via controlled demolition.' Read more: Bombshell: Silverstein Wanted To Demolish Building 7 On 9/11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Silverstein Was Calling Lawyer To Get Double Insurance On WTC On The Evening Of 9/11 'In fact, Silverstein’s lawyers claim the developer had been on the phone to them on the evening of 9/11, wondering “whether his insurance policies could be read in a way that would construe the attacks as two separate, insurable incidents rather than one".' Read more: Silverstein Was Calling Lawyer To Get Double Insurance On WTC On The Evening Of 9/11 Saturday, 24 April 2010 06:30 'With just the 14 news stories he highlights, the cost rings in at a staggering $338.3 Billion in money wasted by government giving freebies to illegal aliens as well as in law enforcement costs. Free schools, free medial care, free Medicaid, free food, free social services, it’s a veritable cornucopia of freebies streaming out of our various government’s coffers to these people who broke our laws to get here and are breaking our laws to stay.' Read more: $338.3 Billion Paid to Service America’s Illegal Aliens Saturday, 24 April 2010 06:24 'City workers will be handed bonuses totalling an astonishing £6.8billion this year. They will receive an average payout of around £70,000 - almost three times the entire salary of a typical worker elsewhere. Despite widespread anger over City pay, the bonus pool will be £750million bigger than last year, research reveals today. Critics described the payouts as 'sickening', coming so soon after the recklessness of the banking industry triggered a global recession.' Saturday, 24 April 2010 06:06 'Hundreds of thousands of public school teachers across the United States are facing possible layoffs this coming academic year. Confronting massive budget deficits, school districts throughout the country have been sending out notices (“pink slips”) to employees this spring, warning them that they are unlikely to have a job in the fall. The bloodletting is worst in California, Illinois, New York, Michigan, and New Jersey, but nearly every region in the country is affected. Pink slips were sent out to 22,000 teachers in California, 17,000 in Illinois, and 15,000 in New York. The jobs of 8,000 school employees in Michigan, 6,000 in New Jersey, and 5,000 in Oklahoma may also be axed.' Read more: Layoff Notices Sent to Thousands of US Teachers Saturday, 24 April 2010 06:00 'Today is the 40th annual Earth Day, when the Blue Bird of climate change look at every country to see if they have been environmentally good or bad. She rewards the good countries with favors and punishes the bad by pooping on their bad gas-guzzling methods of transportation. Bangladesh, must have been a good country, because a new study has proven the UN's climate change body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is wrong again, and despite the IPCC prediction, Bangladesh is not about find itself under the rising ocean anytime soon.' Read more: The IPCC's Brand New Global Warming Screw-up: Happy Earth Day? Saturday, 24 April 2010 05:47 'An NHS hospital has become the first in the country to issue all new born babies with bar codes instead of traditional handwritten tags. Kettering General Hospital’s maternity unit has introduced the system to end mistakes caused by the illegible handwriting of medical staff. Now all newborns are getting a personal bar code strapped on their ankles which midwives zap with a scanner to read the baby’s details. Medical staff can find the child’s name, date of birth, national insurance number and name of the mother in a matter of seconds. They can also trace blood samples at the press of a button via a regional laboratory that tests for conditions such as sickle cell disease and cystic fibrosis.' Read more: Newborn Babies to Get Bar Codes Instead of Handwritten Name Tags Saturday, 24 April 2010 05:35 'At the end of 2007, hedge fund billionaire John Paulson invested $15 million in the leftist non-profit, Center for Responsible Lending, their largest single donation ever. Around the same time, Paulson and his employees contributed over $100,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, headed, at the time, by Sen. Chuck Schumer. Roughly six months later, CRL and Sen. Schumer both launched a highly public attack on the California-based mortgage lender, Indymac. The lender failed, wiping out the investment of thousands of people. Roughly six months after that, John Paulson, in partnership with George Soros, bought up the remnants of Indymac for pennies on the dollar. It is a drama that no longer surprises us, unfortunately. Wealthy investors use their access to elected officials and their checkbook to advocacy groups for private profit. But this story has a twist; a top executive of CRL when this deal went down, Eric Stein, is now working at the Treasury Department, heading up the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Mr. Stein will be the chief federal official designing regulations to protect consumers. Right.' Read more: Indymac: Did Schumer, Paulson and Soros Kill the Bank & Profit From It? Saturday, 24 April 2010 05:31 'A tip sets the plan in motion -- a whispered warning of a North Korean nuclear launch, or of a shipment of biotoxins bound for a Hezbollah stronghold in Lebanon. Word races through the American intelligence network until it reaches U.S. Strategic Command headquarters, the Pentagon and, eventually, the White House. In the Pacific, a nuclear-powered Ohio class submarine surfaces, ready for the president's command to launch. Read more: Hypersonic Cruise Missile: America's New Global Strike Weapon Saturday, 24 April 2010 05:25 'Despite increased calls from European officials to remove them, the United States today ruled out moving its hundreds of “battlefield nukes” from Europe, insisting that they must remain to ensure that Europe shares the “nuclear risks and responsibilities.” The comments came in response to an open letter from a number of high ranking European officials, who said that the nukes were a Cold War relic with no practical value and were just a constant danger. They are also in conflict with President Obama’s ostensible hope for nuclear disarmament.' Saturday, 24 April 2010 05:20 'The pilots approaching Smolensk contrary to media reports diverted their landing elsewhere based on the reports given to them by the tower and probably landed at another military airport in Belarus. Then the old KGB arrested all, and none of these people will ever see the light on day. It is called the plane-switch, whereby, an identical plane was ordered from somewhere with four in the cockpit, according to union laws of flight in Russia, to deliver a passenger to Smolensk.' Saturday, 24 April 2010 05:07 'It is distressing to note that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has been invited to Malaysia as an honoured guest of an NGO when he stands accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity by many learned and independent scholars of international law. The case against him looks rock solid, especially after his confession to the BBC and the Chilcot Inquiry that he would have gone to war to topple Saddam Hussein regardless of the issue of Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction.' Read more: Tony Blair Stands AccusedUK Green Party Leader Says She Can't Help Hollie Greig
Read more: LSD and Ecstasy Being Used to Combat Cancer Anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
The harder we press our attack upon the idol, the more pains we take to keep its priests and devotees in a fool's paradise - lapped in a false sense of security which will inhibit them from taking up arms in their idol's defense....
We are at present working, discreetly with all our might, to wrest this mysterious political force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of the world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands".'
Read more: Billions More for Bankers as City Workers are Handed £6.8 Billion Bonuses
When the order comes, the sub shoots a 65-ton Trident II ballistic missile into the sky. Within 2 minutes, the missile is traveling at more than 20,000 ft. per second. Up and over the oceans and out of the atmosphere it soars for thousands of miles. At the top of its parabola, hanging in space, the Trident's four warheads separate and begin their screaming descent down toward the planet. Traveling as fast as 13,000 mph, the warheads are filled with scored tungsten rods with twice the strength of steel. Just above the target, the warheads detonate, showering the area with thousands of rods-each one up to 12 times as destructive as a .50-caliber bullet. Anything within 3000 sq. ft. of this whirling, metallic storm is obliterated.'
Saturday, 24 April 2010
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Britannia Radio