Saturday, April 10, 2010
Hillary Clinton Says N. Korea May Have 6 Nukes
No Letup: Obama's Jerusalem Obsession
Child Bride Dies After Being Raped in Yemen
China's Currency Manipulation Hurts the US
Is Obama Trying to Make the World Safe for Islam?
Iran Announces Plans for Competing Nuke Summit
New Light on Soviet Plans for Nuclear War
Polish President, 95 Others, Dead in Air Crash
Friday, April 09, 2010
Horrific, Hidden North Korea Exposed
US and EU Abandon Swiss to Appease Libya
March was a good month for Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. He received high-profile apologies from both the United States and the European Union. The apologies were at the expense of Switzerland, the country against which Gaddafi has officially declared “holy war.” Switzerland has a tradition of neutralism in international conflicts, but could not avoid a nasty conflict with Libya. Trying to remain “neutral” in the Swiss-Libyan conflict, the US and the EU grovel before the Libyan despot.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
china confidential
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says North Korea may have six nuclear weapons. The Council on Foreign Relations says the North may have eight weapons. Click here for the story.
The Stalinist/Kimist state has produced at least a dozen nuclear weapons, according to China Confidential and other analysts.
America's first Third World President (and first Muslim-born President according to Islamic law, which traces religion through the father) is obsessed with stopping any and all building by Jews in the eastern part of their own capital.
Actually, Obama is obsessed with wresting East Jerusalem away from Israel--as per Saudi Arabia's so-called peace plan--and forcing Israel to withdraw from all lands captured during the defensive war of June 1967 in order to establish a new Palestinian Arab state with East Jerusalem as its capital.
That is his overriding mission.
The story is sickening; the murder, far from an isolated incident.
Where is the outrage?
Will President Obama, who has made appeasement of radical Islam and outreach to organized Islam the foundation of his failed foreign policy, speak out? Probably not in order to avoid offending Saudi Arabia and the rest of "the Muslim world."
Click here for the case for pressuring China over its manipulation of the value of the renminbi, or Chinese yuan, which makes Chinese exports more competitive at the expense of what remains of America's manufacturing sector and its workers.
An analyst suspects President Obama seeks a suicide pact for Israel and a world safe for Islam. Click here for the essay.
Israel won't be invited....
Iran announced Saturday it will hold its own international nuclear disarmament summit just days after the United States hosts one in Washington.
Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ramin Mehman-Parast, announced Saturday that Tehran will host the two-day summit next Saturday. State media report that representatives from 60 countries will take part.
The spokesman said Tehran will open a new way to rid the world of nuclear weapons.
The United States will host leaders from 47 nations during a two-day nuclear summit scheduled to begin on Monday.
Friday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad unveiled a new generation of domestically-built centrifuges that can enrich uranium six times faster than its older ones.
In Washington, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said the U.S. has to conclude that Iran has "nefarious intentions" in its nuclear activities, because a peaceful nuclear program would have no need for faster centrifuges.
Turns out, Europe was closer to a nuclear holocaust than previously thought. Clickhere for the story.
Iran's useful idiots in the West who argue that it will be possible to peacefully coexist with and contain a nuclear-armed mullahocracy, comparing Iran to the Soviet Union, following the Cold War model of mutually assured destruction as a deterrent, should read the referenced article carefully, and also study the history of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The timing and circumstances will inevitably fuel speculation of sabotage--by Russia.
The horrendous plane crash comes in the wake of the Moscow subway bombings and speculation--click here andhere and here also for examples--that Russia's Federal Security Service, or FSB, the successor organization to the Soviet KGB, intentionally allowed or actually orchestrated the twin suicide attacks in order to provide a pretext for a domestic dictatorial crackdown and an invasion of neighboring Georgia.
There are also rumors of Russian involvement in the uprising in Kyrgyzstan that toppled the government there this week--in order to put an end to U.S. influence in the former Soviet republic.
At the very least, Russia has a serious PR problem. Worst case, Russia is entering a new imperialist phase, pursuing a foreign policy aimed at overthrowing the status quo.
Speaking of Russian PR, click here to read about Russia's management of perceptions regarding the nuclear accord and forthcoming nuclear summit in Washington.
Click here to read about the North Korea no foreigner is allowed to see, unless he or she is unlucky enough to be captured by the Hitlerian regime--Iran's partner in nuclear/missile crime--and sent to one of the regime's death camps.
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Britannia Radio